Chapter 5- Sao bosses planted

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Kirito POV

I put on the Augma seeing Yui "Hi, Daddy! Good morning!" She said and I smiled

"Good morning Yui" I said as she yawned she looked around

"Where are we?" I looked ahead

"We're at the battle field Y/N played on last night." I said smiling again

"She's putting a lot of effort into this game huh?" Yui asked

I chuckled "Yeah she is" she looked at the calendar seeing that the number 4 was highlighted

"Is there something special about that day?" She asked I nodded

"Yup that's when I promised Y/N I'd take her up to MT.Doudaira to watch the meteor shower" I answered she gasped

"That sounds fun! Can I go too? Can I?" She said Excited I gave her a closed eye smile

"What do you think of course!" I opened my eyes as she flew around

"Goodie I'm gonna wear something cute!" She giggled which made me chuckle

"Back in Sao we promised Each other that if we got out we'd-" I was Interrupted by the little fairy girl

"Hey, Daddy! This would be a great time to do some fighting for ordinal scale!" She said

"What?" I said a little annoyed with The Game

"Mommy said she was worried about you not getting enough exercise! Go on show her how cool you are or your marriage will be in trouble!" She said and I grunted getting the joy stick out of my bag

"Ordinal scale activate" I said in a bored Tone J took out my sword swinging it around

"This doesn't feel right At all its like a lag to something" I commented while Yui shook her head

"It's just different physical sensation that's all practice is the only way to get better!" She said I swing it around already tired and panting

"Maybe if I-" I was cut off when I turned around scarring a girl dressed in while with light pastel blue squares.

She fell and I tried to help her up but my hand went threw her she looked like she was picking up something "who are you?" I asked she just can close to me as I backed up

She pointed at something while mumbling something and disappeared I took off the Augma and looked around to see nothing I put it back on

"Did you see that Yui" she nodded

"She's not a player or NPC" I started thinking I felt someone grab my shoulder and I gasped and turned around

"I-I didn't mean to scare you" Y/N said we went to go sit down as I went to grab us some drinks

"I'm sorry I went without you last night" she said I shook my head

"It's all cool I didn't mind but you said you saw some SAO survivors at our last battle right?" She nodded


"It's all cool I didn't mind but you said you saw some SAO survivors at our last battle right?" He asked I nodded

"Yea that one player ranked second..." he looked at me

"Really? That guy?" He said I nodded

"Remember when we both had 2 weeks off the frontline in Sao?" He nodded so I Continued

"Yea I joined the Knights of the blood Oath at the time for some extra cash and Armor they said if I helped I'd get some things and I think he was the one in the group I trained with maybe..." he looked at me

"Maybe?" I nodded

"Yea it's like it's him but he's different then he was in Sao back then he went by Nautilus and he had potential I also remember when we did training at a boss raid he couldn't come because he was afraid of dying..." I finished off

"Well he definitely changed his playing style" Kirito commented

"His agility in AR is unbelievable like a gymnast or something" I said

"Have you talked to him?" He asked I shook my head

"I didn't know how he'd react seeing his old trainer but we were in the same guild so of course I worry for him he was very kind and caring he helped we whenever I needed it so for the 2 weeks we got close so I would keep in touch." I smiled

"It's hard dropping Night assassin the teacher" he said jokingly

"Watch it soldier!" I said as we both laughed

"Hey Y/N have you heard anything about this park like a ghost?" He asked I jumped a little

"Nope why do you ask?" He looked at me and sighed shaking his head

"Anyway how are we going to tell my brother?" I asked

"About?" I laughed

"About us dork he knows that I met someone in SAO and I love him but he doesn't know we are dating he wants to meet you tho he's been nagging me he knows somethings up he's not mad but we should tell him!" I said happy he nodded

"Yea your right." I seen he reached his hand out for mine but Yui came

"Mommy daddy! I found something out about the game!" She said I looked at Kirito and he looked at me

Time skip in ALO

"I have something to show everyone." Yui said in a serious tone

"So far when a boss monster has appeared at an event it has always been at 9pm this is the location Mommy and Daddy faught Kagachi the samurai lord the other day and this is the location where Mommy fought last night in a few seconds you'll see the locations I'll also put a old map of Aincrad over it" as she backed up my eyes widened all the bosses were on the floor of Aincrad at the exact location the event was at

"No way every place a boss showed up in OS (Ordinal scale) lines up with a dungeon from the old Aincrad!" Liz said I nodded Yui began to speak again

"the admin seem to have picked open spaces in the city with coordinated that most closely match the dungeons with this we can make certain predictions for example tonight at 9pm a boss will most likely appear at the Ebisu garden place in shibuya" Yui said

"Oh this is great! If we know where it's going to be we can go too!" Silica said I looked at her

"Won't your parents mind you being out so late?" I asked the young girl she was about 13 2 years behind me as I'm 15

"Mine won't as long as I'm hanging out with you guys!" Liz said "there so weird if this was VR they're pitch a fit" she continues

"Yea I bet" I said

"We'll have fun you guys I have to work tonight so I can't make it. How about you? Are you gonna go to this one?" Sinon said and asked Kirito

"Nah I'll pass this one" he said I pouted

"Jeez are you still not used to fighting in AR?" Liz asked

"Nope" he said and I looked at him and whispered in his ear

"Please eat well and not no one Ingredient pasta..." I said with a bit of worry

He smiled at me and nodded Liz grabbed me and Silica "well lady's let's gear up and show that yuna chick how us veteran players like to party!" She said

Us three girls giggled "Yeah!" We said in a union

"By the way where Klein?" Kirito asked I looked at him

"You know I saw him last night before the battle he never joined they were waiting for one of there friends" I said

"What sucks on AR is that you have to actually go to the place to battle" Sinon said I looked at Yui as she came over to us

"Speaking of going places we should figure out when we're going to meet up to go see the meteor shower!" She said I tilted my head thinking it was only supposed to be for me Kirito and Yui

"Hmm?" Everyone turned around Kirito did a 'Shh' motion to Yui as he went outside with her

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