Chapter 40: Threatened (Part 1)

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Hey guys, before we start, just wanted to let you guys know that this chapter was partly inspired from @oof_mah_life_uwu 's own Iron Spider fanfic, you guys should definitely go check it out, I read it all the time and I love it :) on with the show!

"Okay, so tighten those bolts there," Savannah said, holding the arms to her robot together.

Amadeus turned the wrench once, twice, three times before it wouldn't tighten anymore. He smiled at the handiwork. "Alright, I think the physical build is done. Now all we have to do is input some code to make it move."

"Which shouldn't take too much time since it only has to pick up a block and carry if five feet." Savannah noted. Amadeus raised his hand and they high fived, smiling.

Savannah felt stuck for a moment when she saw him smile and she felt warm inside. Amadeus wasn't like any boy she had ever met, he was intellectually stimulating, and he kept up with her fast paced nature. He even had a bit of an arrogant humor, which the two shared.

Savannah glanced at the class clock, it was only five minutes before lunch. "Hey, when we get top grade, we should get ice cream or something to celebrate."

Amadeus thought for a moment before agreeing, "Sure, that sounds like fun.  You should come have lunch with me and my friends, I think they'll like you.:

She grinned, "That sounds nice, I can't wait to meet them if they're anything like you." The bell rang, and the two went to lunch together. After they went through the lunch line, the pair sat down at the trio's normal table. Their class being a further distance from Cho's gave the two robotics experts time to talk, enough that Savannah was laughing so hard that she hardly noticed the other teenager approaching them.

"Hey Amadeus!" Jess said confusedly, motioning to where she would normally sit, "Who's this?"

Amadeus turned to look at his girlfriend, "Oh, hi Jess, this is Savannah from my robotics class."

Jess waved, "Oh, hi then Savannah, I'm Jessbelle, but you can call me Jess."

Savannah looked at Jess for a moment, uninterested, gave a small wave and said, "Savannah." She then turned her head back to Amadeus and engaged in another conversation.

Jess cocked her head back in shock at the girl's dismissive nature, but she tried to brush it off. She sat on the other side of the table and turned her attention to Miles when he sat down.

"Hey Miles," Jess greeted.

"Hey Jess, who's this?" He motioned to the other side of the table, but Savannah gave no answer.

Amadeus spoke up, "Hey man, this is Savannah, Savannah, this is Miles."

The blonde girl waved, "Hi Miles. Cho, did you know Mr. Madden wanted us to use python instead of C++? He sounded like he was talking to five year olds."

Miles and Jess looked at each other with  a look that read, 'Is she serious?'. Miles whipped out his phone, and sent Jess a text.

Miles: you ok?
Jess: Yeah why wouldn't I be
Miles: she's in your seat
Jess: they're talking about coding, I think i'll live

Jessabelle looked up from her phone to see Savannah nudging Amadeus' arm and snickering.

Miles: you still ok?
Jess: fine.

My Iron Genius: Amadeus Cho X OCWhere stories live. Discover now