Chapter 46: Missing in Manhattan

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It was almost pitch black in the rooms of the house, aside from the glow sticks some people wore. A few people screamed when the lights went down, which wasn't helping.

"Everyone calm down!" Jess yelled over the crowd, stepping on the coffee table, "Amadeus, can you fix the lights?"

"Yeah, we have go to the breaker box, it's outside in the backyard." Amadeus informed her.

"Miles, I need you on crowd control, watch the doors and windows, make sure nobody besides us leaves. Jax, help Amadeus out with the wiring, get the tools we have under the sink upstairs in the bathroom. Juliette, keep everyone calm, you're a people person. Pass out glow sticks to share some light. Help keep everyone here until we're sure its safe. Everyone needs to keep their ear pieces on at all times. "

Everyone nodded, and Amadeus couldn't help but admire his girlfriend's ability to take charge. While he and Jax went upstairs, Jess walked around to talk to people and reassure everyone that they're okay.

Jess grabbed onto her friend's arm, "McKenna? Can you please look around and check to see if anyone has left the party? There's a banner everyone signed on the snack table," Jess passed her a sharpie, "Ask for people's name and cross them off for me okay?"

McKenna nodded and quickly went around with her phone flashlight and did what Jess asked her.

As Jess was doing her rounds, she got worried. While she had faith in everyone who had helped her throw the party, she was panicked. She tried to think positively, Its probably just a small power outage, too many people could've plugged in their cell phones.

"Jess?" Amadeus spoke through his ear piece, "Whoever did this, it wasn't an accident, it looks like this wires were cut by something razor sharp. Were getting the lights back on, but this was definitely on purpose. Stay alert.

The lights came back on and Jess felt like she couldn't breathe, this seemed to help everyone calm down except Jess. She had to start thinking of plans while keeping up her clever charade. Miles had connected his Bluetooth to his phone and got music going on a spare speaker, and slowly the party was rejuvenated.

After about ten minutes, the perky girl with red hair came up and pulled on Jess' dress. "Jess, I finished the list like you asked me to. Almost everyone in accounted for."

Jess gulped, "Almost everyone?"

McKenna nodded, "I did two sweeps of the house, there are three people missing."

Jess' heart dropped. "McKenna, who's not here?"

McKenna looked at the listed and read it carefully, "Oliver Bailey, Savannah Caddel, and Christina Moore.

Jess had promptly darted outside and almost run over Amadeus and Jax.

"Hey, are the lights back up-,"

"Missing!" Jess yelled out of breath, hands on her knees.

The two's eyes glanced at each other, panic filling them as well. "Jessie, who's missing?" Jax asked, holding her sister's back.

"Christina, Savannah, and Oliver." Jess panted out.

"Pretty kitchen girl, mean jealous girl, and motorcycle boy?" Jax clarified.

Jess nodded, trying to regain her composure. Amadeus instantly grabbed her hand, and he noticed how scared she seemed. "Its my fault, I said we should have the party, how are we going find them?"

My Iron Genius: Amadeus Cho X OCWhere stories live. Discover now