Break Out

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"But that's unfair! I'm old enough, I should be able to make my own choices!" Lloyd yelled.

"Remember what happened last time you wondered out of the castle by yourself? You got lost in the woods. Plus, as long as you are air to the thrown, you will be escorted around the place," Wu shook his head in disappointment at the blonde boy.

"I shouldn't even be air to the thrown. I'm not even your son."

"You are my nephew, and I don't have a son of my own. Therefore, you are the air."

Lloyd stomped in anger as he left the corridor. "This is not fair! I'm old enough to do as I please. How does he not understand?" He thought to himself.

He walked over to his room, laying down on his bed. He looked to the side where the nightstand is, seeing a photo of him and his father, Garmadon. Lloyd had no clue what happened to him. He was there one day and the next... gone. He doubted that he would have any chance of seeing him again. Would my dad understand? Lloyd though to himself.

Three hours later

Night has risen, and Lloyd just wanted out. He knew that his family would be asleep, and the guards should be on the outside of the castle. He slowly got out of his bed, walking over to his door. Lloyd grabbed the door knob, slowly twisting it. He then opened the door, which made a slight creak . Lloyd heart started to pound against his chest. No one surely heard that... Right?

He closed the door behind him, and tiptoed through the halls. That's when he started to hear footsteps of the guards getting louder and louder. Lloyd quickly but silently jumped behind one of the pillars, not making a sound. As the guards turned the corner, Lloyd let out his breath.

He peeked over, seeing the front entrance to the castle. A bunch of guards were chatting there, so Lloyd looked for a possible window to get through. There were none. That's when a blade appeared in front of his face. He looked over to his side, seeing Kai standing there with his blade drawn. "And what do you think you're doing, Lloyd?"

Lloyd tried to come up with something quick. "I was, uh... taking a stroll around the castle."

"If you were, you wouldn't be hiding behind a pillar, now would you?"

Lloyd sighed. "No... Look, Kai, I just want to walk around the town, explore a little. I'm old enough to make-"

"Yes, I know, but you know my first duty is to protect you. It's the king's orders."

"Please, Kai. I beg of you. Just for this once..."

Kai sighed looking up at Lloyd. He hate to deny the king, but Lloyd isn't wrong. "Fine... But don't tell anyone about me letting you go."

Lloyd's face lit up with a smile. "But there's, one problem... How am I going to get out of here?"

"Follow me. There's always a different way," Kai lead the way as Lloyd throttled along.

Down many halls and flights of stairs, they finally made it to a blocked off door. "Here, it's a back entrance. It a little wet on the other side," Kai moved the crates that were in front of the door.

Lloyd gave him one last smile before leaving the castle. Pond that was about two feet deep. He swam to the other side and hopped out. His clothes was a little soaked, nothing too major. Lloyd then immediately started to run down from the hill, making it to the river below. He walked along the riverside, taking in the sights, and how beautiful everything looks at night.

Lloyd stopped in his path as he heard a noise coming from the distance. His mind then started to race. Did they find out that I left? Did Kai sell me out? The recognization of the sounds flooded though his mind. It sounded like a person... crying? He slowly approach the location where the sound was coming from. Lloyd could hear it clearly now. He looked behind a tree seeing a boy, about his age, sobbing his eyes out.

Slowly but surely, Lloyd sat next to this boy. He laid his palm on his shoulder. "Hey, you okay?"

The boy looked over at Lloyd, wiping the years from his eyes. "Y-yeah," His black hair fell down onto his face, getting a little bit wet from the wetness of the tears. His greenish, hazel eyes make Lloyd feel a little soft in the inside. He found it interesting how the boy also had a strip of green-dyed hair down the side of this face.

"It's okay to talk about it... I'm Lloyd. I'm the prince from Wu's kingdom... Please don't tell anyone I ran off."

The boy smiled a little. "I'm Morro..."

"So, what were you crying about?"

"It's just... Sometimes I just hate that people don't accept me..."

"H-how so?"

Morro shook his head. "Don't worry about it."

That's when the sound, the same sound Lloyd heard in the castle, started to ring out through the forest. The guards. Morro could hear them too.

"Wh-what's that?" Morro's voice was a bit shaky.

Lloyd quickly got onto his feet, extending his hand out to Morro. "Those are the guards from the castle. They wouldn't be out here unless they know I ran off. We have to go."

Morro grabbed Lloyd's hand, and Lloyd picked him up off the ground. They run through the river, and into the dense forest. Lloyd dripped over a tree branch, and fell into the hard stone beneath. Morro quickly stopped and turned back from Lloyd.

"Are you okay, Lloyd?"

Lloyd got up, a little shaky. "Yeah, I believe so." A little bit of blood dripped down from a cut on forehead.

"You're forehead-" Morro pointed out.

Lloyd touched his temples, and looked down at his fingers. They laced with blood, nothing that shouldn't be too major. "It's alright, I'll be fine."

They then continued running until they were far enough away from the guards. Lloyd happened to smile throughout this entire run. He missed the outdoors, missed the forest. He even forgot how it felt to be physically hurt.

They stopped to catch their breath. After the were calmed, Lloyd looked up at Morro. "That wasn't too bad at all..."

There's no Such Thing as Darkness //ninjago AU// Morro x LloydWhere stories live. Discover now