Chapter 5

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The guys left for their meeting and Dodger went with them. I decide that since I am not doing anything special today I was going to bake and make a homemade dinner. I make some homemade brownies and then homemade pasta and get the chicken out to thaw. I prepare the dough for the noodles and hear footsteps coming down the stairs and remember Tom is still there and I smile. "Well well you are a busy bee today. What happen to your date?" I look over and see Tom and I smile and blush. He tilts his head when I start to blush and smiles while he sits down at the table "What am I missing darling?" I wipe my hands and look at him. "Well first off I am making a homemade dinner and I made dessert, Secondly Sebastian and Chris and I had a very nice talk and they needed to go out of town for a meeting but the 3 of us have agreed to be only friends and technically they have decided they are my new brothers, Lastly Tom I have liked you since I first saw Thor with my brother and always had liked you. When you walked into the door that very first day I didn't talk to you because I was screaming inside because my love for you was so bad. My background on my phone was of you during an interview after Thor had come out and I always told my best friend that I was going to marry you never thinking I ever even meet you. When I got this part and found out you were in it I panicked because I was hoping to meet you. When I told you earlier today that I knew who I loved I was already talking about you but I didn't know how you felt until i told you to kiss me. Other then that or what I am trying to say is I don't want any one else just you!" 

Tom stands up and races towards me and grabs me and kisses me. When he pulls away he puts his forehead to mine and smiles "That is the best thing I have heard all day" He pulls me to the table and sits while sitting me on his lap. "Darling the moment I came into this house I fell for you. I watched you make tea and the way you were always so happy with everyone. You always were loving and I did see your screen saver and laughed at it that is when I thought wow this girl knows me as Loki but then you knew stuff about me that no one knew and I don't know how you knew but come to find out it wasn't about me but you liked the same things I did. The moment I saw you here in the kitchen dancing to Honky Tonkin I was hooked. Then Lovesick blues and the way you light up when I sing it I loved it. When your nephews knew I was Loki and you turned so red I was trying hard not to laugh and hug you. Cleaning up with you I love spending the time and hearing about your day or your family. You have been everything I have wanted but has taken so long to find. I hated to see you with the other guys and honestly it made me uncomfortable but there was something after each date in your face I knew they weren't the ones and I feel bad but I am so happy." I laugh and Tom kisses me. 

"Ok so the guys are gone and I am going to make dinner would you care to help me? Then maybe we can read our books and just relax tonight and go on a real date tomorrow." Tom smiles "Honey this is a date but I would love to take you to breakfast if you will allow me." I smile and kiss his cheek. "I would love that! Let's get started chef Tom" he smiles and stands me up and stands up himself and comes and helps me cook dinner. We make pasta with Italian chicken While I am doing the pasta Tom does the chicken and smiles laughing as we talk about random things. I turn on some music and of course Tom starts dancing as do I and we just have fun. 

Dinner is made and we sit and eat and then clean up. I go grab my blanket and book I head to the couch and sit there with a light on to see my book and start to read. I hear Tom come in and look at him as he hands me a mug of tea. I smile as I take the tea and sit up to drink it "This hits the spot!" I look at tom and smile. He sits down and pats the seat next to him and I move over towards him. He wraps his arm around me and starts to read after taking my mug and putting it on the table by his. I lay back and start to read again and relax. Next thing I know the doorbell rings. I go answer and there a box with my name I sign for it and bring it in. "What did you order darling?" I look at Tom "I didn't order anything" I hear my phone go off and answer the video call. "Hey guys!" I see my brother and nephews on the video chat and smile big.  "Who there before I say something to embarrass you" Tom leans forward and waves at them all. "Oh hey Mr. Hiddleston!" My brother says laughing "Call me Tom!" At that point my whole family says hi and we all talk with Tom and he meets my family and parents. We all laugh and I get red when they are telling him how I use to watch his videos on youtube and every talk show he was on and that. "Ok Jamie I called for a reason, did a box come?" I smile and nod. 

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