Chapter 9

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"Doll face are you ready for the first day of filming?" Sebastian calls to me. "Hold on, I'll be out in a minute!" I yell from my closet. It's been almost 2 years since I walked out of Tom's life and away from Australia. The day I had my miscarriage I called up the director and explained what was happening and had to decline the role. I moved back to California and after about 6 months started to date Sebastian. We have been with each other for a year and going good. He waited until I was ready to date again. Thanks to him I got a part in the new Avengers movie. I was going to play an extra and also the back up to Scarlett Witch. I had met most of the actors that were going to be in the movie plus I already knew a few of them. "DOLL FACE LETS GOOOO!" I snap out of my thoughts and run down the stairs. "Sorry was thinking about stuff." Sebastian grabs me and kisses me "Oh ya like how cute you look in your outfit?" I smile and push him away "NO but if you like it that much I'll wear something better tonight" I say winking and he smacks my behind laughing. We walk out of the house and to his car and off to the set. 

We get on set and right away I hear my name get screamed. I look and see Elsa running to me. We hug each other and I look surprise at her. "We're here to begin filming well not me but Chris is here as Thor" I smile "Oh i didn't realize Thor was in this one I'm excited to see him" She looks at me then stops from saying anything else because Sebastian walks up and kisses me in front of her. Elsa and Sebastian talk about how we are together and other things then they start to talk about the movie and I see Chris H in his Thor costume walking towards us and once he see's me he has a huge smile on his face. We give each other hugs and laugh about stuff. Chris E and RDJ come up and start talking I am surrounded by friends that make me happy. I am listening to everyone talk when someone mentions Loki. I snap my head up and look surprised. "Jamie you knew Loki was in this film didn't you?" Chris H asks me. I shake my head no and look down. Sebastian wraps his arms around me and holds me tight which shows everyone that we were involved. They all laugh and said it was funny that i was dating Bucky. Got all their jokes out then as we walked onto set where filming had already begun.  

We walk in and I see Loki on set filming one of his scenes. I left him 2 years ago after miscarrying our child. I felt like he wanted to start a family and I wasn't ready to yet. I felt like our relationship was moving way to fast and I wasn't ready it just took me until I was pregnant to realize this. I felt bad but I did write him a letter explaining everything. I had heard he finally  been seeing other girls so that is when I gave Sebastian a chance after I felt ready to date again and we both have been happy. He understands that I am not ready for a family yet and we both make sure that doesn't happen. Sebastian is holding on tight to my hand as we walk in and see them filming. We stop and watch as the scene if going. I feel Sebastian arms wrap around me and he leans in and whispers "Are you sorry for leaving him and dating me?" I look up to Sebastian and turn so I am face to face with him and I wrap my arms around his neck and smile while I pull him down and kiss him. When I break the kiss apart he smiles and keeps watching the filming and I turn to also watch but in my gut I am nervous to see Tom again because deep down I have had feelings for him that haven't gone away. 

"CUT! Tom you did great, ok Chris H come on over to film some of Thor's scenes everyone else take a seat." Tom walks over and says hi to everyone and when he see's Sebastian he walks over and hugs him and says hi. He looks at me and smiles "Hello Jamie, good to see you" He says while giving me a hug. "Hi Tom it is good to see you as well" I say trying to smile. Sebastian goes to film his scene and I get told I need to go ahead and go get ready in my trailer. So i stand up and walk back to my trailer. I shut my door and start to pull my costume out and set it on my bed when there a knock on my door. "Come in" I yell thinking it's one of the girls. I turn and see Tom standing there. My breath is taken away as he stands there smiling. "Oh hi Tom! What can I do for you?" I try to sound normal but my heart is beating so fast that I feel like I am going to faint. Tom walks towards me and I back up until I hit a wall. Tom smiles as I try to figure out where to go. "Hello love, I have missed you and I am so sorry that you thought I wanted a family right away I was good with waiting until you were ready but I know that my pushing pushed you away. I have missed you." Tom is inches away from me and I am trap between my wall and him. 

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