Chapter 7

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"Ladies and Gentlemen please buckle your seat belts as we start to land in sunny Los Angeles California. It is 75 degrees and clear skies thank you for flying with us." I sit up and grab Tom's hand. We land and I smile. "I can't wait to see the guys" Tom smiles "It is good to be home but anywhere with you is my home and brings me happiness" I look at Tom and kiss him and stand up to unload the plane. We get off the plane and start to walk out to get our luggage. As we walk over to baggage claim I look up and see Sebastian. I smile and let go of Tom's hand and run right for him. Sebastian smiles really big and grabs me holding tight and I wrap my legs around him and hug him tight. "Hello doll face god I have missed your smile!" I lean back and smile and kiss his cheek. "Tom! We have missed you too" Sebastian says putting me down and grabbing Tom's hand and giving him a hug. "We missed you too Sebastian. Where is Chris" Tom asks and Sebastian changes the subject and Tom and I both notice and walk to get our bags. "Sebastian Stan where is Chris and don't ignore the question" Sebastian looks at me "He is with his girlfriend and hasn't been around much" I look surprise "Girlfriend? When did that happen?" Sebastian looks at Tom and I can see that they can read each other minds and Tom looks at me to see what my reaction will be. "It happen about a month ago but he was also trying to see if he liked you in that way and when he realized you and him couldn't be anything else but friends he made it full time with her. Since then they aren't around much" I look and smile at Sebastian and Tom. 

I am so upset not because Chris found a girl and was dating both of us but because he wasn't there to pick us up and I am sure the boys think it is because I had feeling for him but it isn't that. I look at Sebastian and Tom as they talk. I smile at them as they grab all the bags and start to walk out to the car. "SO did you guys have fun?" I look at Sebastian and laugh "Oh I think Tom was a hit my parents and family loved him, my nephew kept threatening a Hulk" Tom smiles and Sebastian laughs at it. Sebastian tells us to go ahead and get in while he loads the bags. We get in and I look at Tom. "Tom, I am so happy you took me to see my family." Tom looks and smiles "Your upset though about Chris" I look at Tom and kiss him "NOT for the reason your thinking Tom. I'm upset because he didn't care enough to come get us and that makes me mad." Tom looks at me and realizes I am telling him the truth and smiles "Oh good I thought you still had feelings for him" I laugh "NO dear sir I only have those feelings for you and well when you play Loki that is really Hot!" Tom smiles and grabs me behind my neck and kisses me. 

Sebastian gets in and laughs. "God let's get you two home and to a room" Tom smiles against my lips and pulls away. On the car ride home we hear about filming and Sebastian informs us that we are due on set tomorrow to finish up and I smile. "So are you two got plans for tonight or can we all hang out I really missed you guys" I smile at Sebastian. "We are hanging with you tonight Sebastian, What if we go out to dinner my treat" Tom says and I nod my head. We get home and I hop into the shower. I hear a knock and yell "I'm in the shower but you can yell at me if you want to talk." It goes quiet when I hear my bathroom door open so I look out of my shower curtain while covering the rest of my body and see Tom standing there. "Your a bad boy Mr. Hiddleston" Tom smiles and walks towards the shower curtain and looks me up and down even though he really only looking at a shower curtain. "Sorry I don't know who Mr. Hiddleston is, My name is Loki" I smile and shake my head. "Sorry Loki even though I would love to be with you I only have eyes for Tom Hiddleston" Tom smiles and kisses me. "It was worth a try but the real reason I am in here is to tell you Sebastian wants to go dancing are you good with that?" I smile "Yes I am, Give me a few hours and I will be ready" Tom nods his head and starts to walk away when I grab him and he turns around to look at me. 

"Darling did you need something else?" I smile at Tom question. "Yes I need you in the shower with me" Tom's eyes widen and he smiles. "I would love to darling but I can't at the moment" I try to smile but I am a little hurt as Tom can see. "Darling I would join you but I actually have company downstairs and literally can't or trust me I would. I smile and kiss him and let him go. "Tonight after we get back you are mine!" Tom says kissing me and then walks out. I smile and finish getting clean and dressed. I pull on some boot cut jeans and my Loki shirt. I run down the stairs and hear laughter coming from the kitchen I walk in slowly and stop in my tracks. Tom looks at me and smiles as does Sebastian. I can't move and my eyes are wide and my mouth in shock. "Darling come here I like to introduce you to some friends of ours." Tom walks towards me and guides me to the table. "Darling this is Robert, and Chris. They are in a few movies with us" I look at Tom and back at Robert and Chris and smile. My phone rings and I see its a video call from my brother. I answer it and realize that the camera is facing out and my brother see's Robert Downey Jr and Chris Hemsworth as do my nephews. "Aunt Jam OMG DADDY! THERE IS IRONMAN AND THOR!!!!" Chris and Robert smile and wave and I fall over my feet and Tom catches me. I walk out to breath and Tom starts talking "Wow I don't think I have seen her so starstruck" they all laugh and I talk to my nephews for a little while and compose myself. 

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