Day 1

470 13 2

"WAKE UP"  I hear as my door slams open

Standing there is Cedric Diggory, my brother.  As well as his best friend Louis Hall.

"The train leaves in a hour and seeing my the mess of this room your clearly not packed" Cedric says as he looks around my room disgusted.

"I was gonna pack last night but I fell asleep watching something." I say throwing a pillow at his direction.

Louis catches it and laughs as he turns to walk out. 

Louis Hall:
He's been best friends with my brother for as long as I can remember.  He spends summers with us, winters, and most of the holidays.  He's became my brother over time and of course I've loved him since he started basically living here but sometimes I wonder if it's more of just a sibling love.

"That stupid muggle show again eh?" Louis says throwing the pillow back.

I roll my eyes and get up from my bed. I get up and start to walk over to my dresser remembering I'm only in a oversized jacket and mini shorts. I quickly turn around and shoot them both a threatening shot with my eyes that makes them both turn around and leave.

Looking at the clock I had less than a hour to get ready so I quickly showered and packed. I rushed down the stairs practically throwing my trunk as well as myself.

"Good morning honey" my mum says as she sets down two waffles as I sit down at the table. Louis and Cedric are inhaling theirs at this point. I feel a aggressive kick on my shin which made me let out a small yelp. A small laugh comes out of Cedrics mouth which made me realize it was him. I aggressively kicked not only him but Louis as well and got up to out my plate in the sink.

"What the hell?" Louis says with his mouth full.  I hear my mum snap back from the other room "language Loui!"

I let out a quick giggle and head back to my room to brush my teeth and get some last minute necessities.


I decided to sit with Cedric and Louis this year only because I really didn't feel much need to find my other Hufflepuff friends. Lulu and Piper. I could tell they wanted to sit with their friends in their grade but they didn't seem to have enough energy to find them either.

It's not like we are intimidating, them being year 5 and me a year 4 it's not like we are powerful upper years. Even if we were upper years it's not like we're Scary Slytherins. Were simple and quite kind. Louis is very nice, he's always treated me kind and the past couple girls I've seen him around he's been an absolute angel to. Cedric is also nice but from what I've seen, he gets around. After Cho Chang he was basically heart broken. Throughout the summer he was with a new girl every week. Mum caught him sneaking in a girl around mid summer which meant he wasn't allowed to leave for a week. Who knows how many he's snuck in either before of after that.

I pulled out a book from my bag. The Chronicles of Narnia. It's about this magic wardrobe that these kids find with talking animals and much more. Sounds completely insane to me.

I look up and see Louis staring at me. I gave a quick smile and got back to my reading which didn't last long since I'm very easily distracted. I look up again and he's still staring. "Can I help you Louis?" I say with a small smile.

"I.. sorry what happened." He says as if he was waking up from a day dream. "Looks like Loui boys dreaming" Cedric says giving him a small nudge. "Go on who's the girl u saw, what it The Ravenclaw Isabella? I saw her and man did she glow up, I mean her boobs..."

"Bloody hell Cedric if you wanna talk about a girls tits maybe not around your little sister." I saw with a slight gag.

They both let off small laughs but something about Louis still seams off. I can't manage to put my finger on it, he can't be home sick he almost lives with us. Maybe he did see a pretty girl.

Soon we arrive at Hogwarts. We shoot up from our seats and I wave at the boys knowing I'd probably be sitting by them for dinner. I find Lulu and Piper and we head to our dorms to unpack.

"Did you see Jack on the train Cami? Boy did he have a glow up over summer." Lulu says hanging up a beautiful yellow tank top. "Jack S or Jack B? I saw Jack S and he looks the same so I surely hope your not talking about him." I say.

"Of course not him I meant Jack B, he looks like he's grown a couple inches, his face looked very smooth as well, like a baby's butt." Lulu says giggling. Me and Piper let out small laughs as well.

"Um so Cami, hows Louis doing." Piper asks quietly.

"I think he's good," I say with a concerned look. He met this beautiful girl over the summer but they didn't last long, he said she was too controlling. Why do you ask?"

Piper walks over to my side of the room and picks up a pink top. "Oh no reason, we passed him on the way up here, he looked exhausted, can I wear this to dinner if you don't mind?" I nod my head and go to the bathroom.

It was now 6:00 pm which meant dinner time. The first years were already sorted. Griffin door getting most of them, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw getting about the same, then slithering hardly getting any.

I look over at the Slytherin table and see Draco. Me and Draco have hardly ever gotten along. Mainly because we don't talk but we were paired for potions year 2. That didn't last long because the next week he asked Snape to move, said I was too talkative? I'm hoping this year me and him could be friends. I did notice some changes in him though, his hair was no longer gelled back and now just spread out wherever. He was much taller, maybe grew 3 or 4 inches? Please say I'm not attracted to Draco Malfoy.

Dinner ended quickly. Louis seamed in a much better mood than earlier. Maybe he was just really excited to be back. I saw the trio leaving and decided to go talk to them. We are pretty close. I'd choose Lulu and Piper to hang out with over them any day but they are really good people and loyal friends as well. We have a short conversation but it was quickly ended.

I walked in my dorm and Lulu and Piper were sitting on their beds. "Cami?" Piper says.

"Ya?" I ask grabbing my pajamas for the night.

"Did you speak to Louis at dinner?" Piper asks. "Um we might of said a coup,e words but not very much why?" I asked.

"Well um.. he was looking at you... a lot actually. I kept looking up at him because well you know he's very handsome and every time he was looking at you." She says stuttering as if she's nervous.

"He was actually looking at me on the train today too. Maybe he just got a staring problem over the summer." I say heading towards the bathroom. I did my night routine and grabbed my book to read on my bed. For being Hufflepuff we are a very smart friend group. Lulu is very creative as well, as she was sitting at her desk painting.

"You know Cami, you had a glow up yourself over the summer." Lulu says not looking up for her art.

"Really? I did notice some changes in my body but just my hips getting a bit bigger and my stomach thinning out." I say putting my hands on my waist. Piper looks up from her book, "oh ya Cami, your skin is super clear, body is perfect, you hair is almost perfect curls, and not to mention your ass grew too!"

"Well thanks I guess." I say with a smile. "I'm gonna go to bed I think, we have early classes."

"Same as me, I'm helping Prof Sprout at 7." Piper says closing her book. Lulu heads to the bathroom to clean her brushes she we take that as a hint she's going to sleep too. We turn all the lights off and I couldn't stop thinking about the thought of Louis staring at me. Did he realize these changes in me too?

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