Friday night

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The rest of the week went pretty smooth. I became very close with Blaise, he actually brought me into the Slytherin common room which wasn't nearly as scary as I thought, just a little dark. It was now Friday. Almost every Friday last year we met in someone's dorm and hung out. Last year Cedric and Louis got ahold of some alcohol and decided to bring it. Ever since then they have almost always brought something fun for us.

This year was the first time we were doing it. We decided to do my dorm and you could basically bring anyone as long as it was ok with the dorm people themselves. I invited Blaise hoping he would get along with all my friends.

As the day ended and I walked out of my last class and went to my dorm to clean up. Cedric said he invited around 4 people so I'm guessing around 15 which is a little stressful. Lulu and Piper came in 5 minutes after I did and started to help pick up and clean.

"This is just gonna get messy again." Piper says making her bed. Cedric and Louis walked in slamming our door open. Cedric ps back slung over his shoulder. He throws it on my bed and opens it. He pulls out a bottle or firewiskey and some muggle drinks. He lays them down and turns to me. "Your not drinking these." He says staring at me

"What the hell why not?" I say crossing my arms.

"Your 15 years old, plus mum and dad would kill me if they heard you were drinking it." He grabs one of the muggle cans and holds it up.

"You started drinking last year which meant you were 15! Also they aren't here so how would they even know." I say reaching for the can in his hand. He pulls it away and shakes his head.

"You get this ONE can that's it no firewiskey whatsoever." He says handing it to me, "might wanna savor it."

I grab the can and set it on my dresser. Our friends start coming in. First is the Weasley twins and George's girlfriend as well. Cedric is in the same grade as them so they are pretty close. Then Isabelle comes in and Cedric greets her at the door with a long kiss. Then two more Hufflepuffs our age. Finally Blaise knocks on the door.

Louis gets up and opens it. "Um hi can I help you." He says with his hand on the doorknob.

"Hey man I was invited by Cami." Blaise says waving to me. Suddenly Louis's grip tightens. " oh cool man come in."

Blaise walks in and takes a seat by me. I handed him a muggle can and he looks at it. "Alcohol?" He whispers to me. I nod my head.

"I didn't know Hufflepuffs drink." He says opening it. As he does Cedric walks over. I knew this wasn't gonna go well.

"You got yourself a little boyfriend and didn't feel like telling me" Cedric says taking a drink as he eyes me and Blaise. "We're not dating Ced, we met like 3 days ago." I say looking at my drink. Cedric laughs and replies "I'm kidding Cami chill, maybe you need to loosen up."

"Maybe if you'd let me have more then 1 drink I would." I say. Cedric laughs at this and walks away. "Asshole" i mumble which makes Blaise laugh. There's about 12 of us in the room. Which was perfect with the room being not very big.

"Truth or dare anyone?" Cedric says holding his can up. Everyone agrees and we sit in a fairly large circle. "Rules are simple, if you don't complete the dare or answer the truth you leave." Cedric says looking around. This was normal to everyone because this was how we normally played. Normal to everyone but Blaise. He leans over to me and whispers "pretty brutal Hufflepuffs here, I thought this would be snickerdoodles and cake. Is he serious about this whole leaving thing."

I turn my head so now I'm whispering in his ear. "Last year Piper got kicked for the next 2 group hangouts because she refused to run in the halls naked. So I'd say ya." He turns and looks at me with wide eyes then laughs. We return our attention back to the circle and I see Louis looking at me and Blaise. He looks at me one last time then soon returns his attention to the circle as well. What's going on with him.


We played the game a couple rounds where everyone got a turn once or twice. My last two have been truths so I figured next time I was asked I'd pick dare.

Next thing I know Fred looks at me. I swallowed knowing he was gonna ask me. "Truth or Dare Cami" He says with a grin.

I smile back, "Dare." I say confidently. I notice Cedric sit back and take a sip of his drink. Nearly everyone has enough alcohol in them so we are all acting different. George slipped me another drink so I am as well as others. All except Blaise. He's had 1 drink all night and is still on the same 1.

"Bad choice," Fred says looking around. He pauses then looks back at me. "I dare you to make out with Mr Hall." He says looking at both of us. My face goes into shock as well as Cedric and Louis's.

"No Fred... I...I.. I can't do that to Cedric, Louis is like my brother that's weird." I stutter.

"No Cami it's fine." Cedric says looking at Fred with anger. "No big deal just a kiss, it's not like it's your first."

I swallow hard. I turn towards Louis as he's still in shock. He looks over at me and nods. I get up and walk over to him as I feel all the others watching. As soon as I reach him I grab his neckline of his shirt and kiss him. Holy shit I'm kissing Louis Hall. I've only kissed 2 guys but never made out with them. The kiss lasts about a minute but it feels like forever. Our lips were in sync. I backed away as everyone is in shock. I shoot louis a small smile and go back to my seat. Fred is dying laughing at this point.

After that the game didn't last much longer. I didn't get dared again and neither did Louis. Everyone ended up leaving around 1 am. All that was left was me, Piper, Lulu, Cedric, and Louis.

"I'm sorry about that Cami." Louis says picking up a can and throwing it away. "It's ok Loui, now I know to never take a dare from Fred." We both awkwardly laugh at my comment. It was awkward tension between us until they left around 1:30.

I plopped onto my bed and sighed as well as Piper and Lulu.

"So are we gonna ignore the elephant in the room?" Lulu says sitting up. Me and Piper sit up and look at her. Then they both look at me. "What did I do?" I say.

"You kissed Louis!" Piper says. "And you liked it too!"

I widened my eyes, "bloody hell Piper I did not!" I look down at my pillow sitting in my lap. "Say what you wanna say Cami, we all saw the look in your eyes after you kissed. He had the same look though." Piper says lowly

"No Pipe, he didn't. Neither of us did there's nothing there just forget it please." I beg. "I'm gonna crash. Goodnight".


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