Party time pt 1

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Once again it was Friday. We decided to do our Friday things once a month just to be easier for all of us. I hadn't had any plans for the night so after my last class I was heading to my common room.

"Hey Hufflepuff" Blaise says as he picks me up from behind. We actually haven't spoken much this week. He's been off with fellow Slytherins. He sets me down and I turn to face him. He's not standing alone like I thought. Of course Draco's standing by him. Hands in front pockets. God he was Gorgeous.

"Slytherin party tonight and luckily for you. I annoyed blondie enough to let you in." He says as he gives Draco a little slap on the shoulder. Draco rolls his eyes "just don't fuck anything up. I'll catch u guys later." Then he walks off.

"What's up his ass?" I ask. Blaise laughs and then shrugs. He throws his arm over me and we started to walk. "Where are we off to?"

"Well I need to go get ready. What time does it start?" I ask making my way to my common room.

"Oh honey u have a while, they don't even start till 10." He says looking at his watch. "It's barely 4. You got a solid 5 hours before you even need to consider getting ready."

"Let's go to my dorm and hang then." I offer.

"Nah, let's go to mine it'll be more fun." He says turning us around with his arm still around me. If we keep this up we're gonna look like a couple. "Blaise that's not a good idea, I already have to face Draco tonight do I have to do it now too?"

He ignores me and we continue walking. We enter the common room and head up to his dorm. I have to say, I admire the beauty in the Slytherin common room. It was dark and calm. I expected it to be messy but it was very neat. Although this was around my 3rd time in here I never really realized everything until now.

We passed multiple Slytherins on our way, we received many dirty looks and a couple kind ones. We made it to their dorm and we entered. No sign of Draco which was good. I sat on his bed and laid down. He walked over to his dresser and took off his shirt.

In all honesty I didn't know we were this close but I mean it's just his shirt not like his pants or anything.

"Oh shit sorry Cami." He says looking towards me fully putting his new black shirt on.

"Am I even allowed to be in here?" I ask looking around. Their room smelt like a mix of mint and expensive cologne. A beautiful masculine smell if you ask me. He joins me by sitting on the edge of his bed. We sat and talked for around a hour but it felt like forever. I loved talking to Blaise we really seamed to get along.

He laid on his stomach with his hands on his chin. "Cami I have the best idea." I says smiling. "Be my date tonight."

"If that's your way of asking me out I'll have to pass Blaise."

"No no ew, I mean clearly You have some guys interested in you so let's make them jealous. I mean I'd be jealous if I saw a girl I liked with someone as handsome as I am." He says winking.

"I..uh.. who likes me?" I stutter.

His eyes widened a bit. "Oh shit no one. Did I say that? I didn't mean it." He says sitting up.

"Blaise who the hell likes me?"

"Well um, I'm not sure but I think... Draco... maybe...". Now my eyes widened. "And that Louis guy. He ALWAYS staring at you like holy shit. I of course noticed them looking because I'm watching out for you as your best friend. And if we're being honest I'm trying to make this other girl jealous as well-"

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