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Ok a small writers block so I'm jumping a couple months ahead sorry!!!  -Rini

"I can't believe school is out in a month!" Lulu says as she stuffs her face with spaghetti.

"We're gonna be 5th years." I smile.

"Do you know if peter is staying or doing back?" She asks.

The question I've been avoiding. Having Peter back was one of the best things that's happen to me, but also the hardest.  Since he came back Louis has hardly made a move on me. We haven't kissed since Christmas break.  Sadly me and Draco distanced too. Probably for the best considering the way he treated me it's just weird the way he stopped trying. We definitely still have our tension moments but I have those with Louis as well.

Me and Blaise are great too. Him and Leo have something going on though. They had a secret study hangout the other night and who knows what they did. He seems to be very happy though. 

Cedric and Isabelle are at their best right now.  They decided he's gonna spend the first 2 weeks of summer with her family and then spend the rest with us.  As for Louis, no clue. His parents are supposedly coming back for a month but they haven't written him back which I really think is starting to get into his head.

As for Peter, I haven't asked if he's moving back or anything because I'm scared of his answer. Some people think we have gotten back together already. Sure we've kissed a couple times recently but it's just been in the moment kisses. Of course I still have feeling for him but he was my first crush, I always will.

I also still have feelings for Louis on top of everything.  While me and Peter dated I had a crush on him. He's always been that one guy that you want to get with but never have a chance with.

After our Christmas time kiss we went back to what it was like before, it's not terrible but it makes me wonder how he sees me. Did he use me? Does he think I used him?  Does he think I'm some whore who can't keep her tongue to herself?

I don't know.

I hope not.

I guess Draco started acting weird around Blaise too. 

"Girls are shit." Draco says.

"What happened." Blaise asks not looking up from his book.

"They are just shit, they say guys are but it's really them." He says pouting in his bed.

"Did you catch feelings for a girl?"

"Of course not.  Like I said, girls are shit".

"So your gay." Blaise laughs.

"I'm not you." Draco snaps not realizing what he said.

"What?" Blaise asks finally looking up from his book." 


"What the fuck did you just say."

"I said nothing back off." 

"I'm not fucking gay don't ever call me that again." Blaise seethed.  He lied.

Blaise knew he had caught feelings for Leo but he didn't know how to deal with it.

Luckily for Blaise, Draco had already caught on. Being his best friend he saw the way Blaise fixed himself before entering a room he knew Leo would be in. Thankfully Draco had no problem with it. As long of Blaise never liked him he would care and Blaise could do whatever he pleased. 

Pipers always off with George and Lulu is always around with different guys, mainly James.

One night I was staying in my dorm waiting to go hangout with Peter after dinner. Piper was on her bed drawing a picture for someone as a gift.

The door slid open and in came Lulu completely red faced. She slammed the door closed and fell back against it sobbing. Piper and I immediately rushed over asking what was wrong.

"He- he cheated. He fucked Alyssa." She stutters.

"Who cheated Lulu?" Piper asks stroking her head.

"James." She sobs. Me and Piper stayed quiet.

"How long have you two been dating?" I ask grabbing her hand for comfort. I was mad she didn't tell me or Piper but this wasn't a time to get frustrated. 

"We've been taking for almost two- two months." 

"Lulu why didn't you tell us?" Piper asks.

"Because I knew he gets around with girls and I didn't expect to actually catch feelings for him. But we- we did it." She cries.

We both gasped. "Oh honey." I whisper giving her a hug. We all sat on the floor, comforting her until she stopped crying.

"Girls night?" I ask. They nod in agreement. We all climb onto Lulus bed and talk about gossip going around until Peter knocks on the door.

"Fuck we were supposed to hangout, I'll be right back I need to reschedule." I say getting out of bed.

"Cam you should go." Lulu says. I turn around and give her a look. "No Lulu it's girls night."

"I'll be fine, he's an ass and I fell for his tricks.  Won't happened again. See all better, go have fun." 

"I can't go that to you guys." I say.

"GO." They both yell pointing at the door. I slip my shoes on and open the door to 6 foot Peter standing there.

"Took you long enough." He laughs. We leave the girls dorm and are about to leave the common room before my name gets called. I whip around to see Louis jogging towards us.  My heart races and I walk towards him with Peter following behind.

"Can we talk?" Louis asks me as he looks at Peter, "alone." He states.

"I'll wait outside." Peter mumbles and then he turns around to leave.

"What's up Loui?" I ask innocently.  I can tell he's nervous the way he bots the side of his cheek. It's a small thing he's always done.

"Are you two dating?  I don't care if you are I was just kinda curious because you know whatever we have or I guess had didn't really end so I'm kinda confused and then you still have Draco and now Peters back so I'm just confused."

I sigh. What does he mean by "I guess had." Is he saying what we had is gone?  I'm still confused.

"We're not dating. That's all I really know as of now.' I mumble looking down at the floor.

"Ohh ok makes sense I guess. I'll catch you later." He says giving me a pat on the shoulder and then leaving.

"Yeah I guess." I mumble back.

SORRY WEIRD CHAPTER I JUST RLLY WANTED TO POST. ANYWAYS, I love love the comment you guys put they crack me up so pls put more if you can. Alsooooo.... 

I realized I never had a character for James soooo

I realized I never had a character for James soooo

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Felix Mallard as James

Hope you guys enjoy, let me know all ideas and keep the comments and votes coming.!!!!!


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