
194 13 10

TW: blood, slight bondage

My eye lids felt heavy as I attempted to open my eyes. My vision was blurry, unable to make out who the moving figures were above me.

My body felt weak. I couldn't move my legs or lift my arms without intense effort.

I groaned as my vision finally came back into focus.

"Don't hover over her." I could make out Rey's voice. After blinking rapidly, I could make out her face, full of concern as she knelt down next to me.

I then glanced over to see Noah. He was cradling me in his arm, his facial expression showed his concern but there was a distant look in his eyes. I didn't take the time to notice it, my head unable to focus on everything that had happened.

"Rey." I managed to get out. My voice sounded so quiet and distant, not sounding like myself.

"I'm here, Gi." Rey grabbed onto my hand. She then looked up, not to Noah but another person in the room. "She needs to go to the hospital." Her voice was determined.

"No, no." I managed to push myself up slightly, my arms faltering under me, still weak, but I stabilized myself enough to sit up. Noah's hold was still on me, making sure I didn't fall back down. I glanced up, realizing who was in the room with us.

"You fainted, Gi, you're going." Armie's voice was stern, but somehow gentle at the same time.

"I said," I began, pushing myself to stand. "No." I was now facing him, taking all of my strength and energy to not falter in my stance and keep a harsh stare on him.

He scoffed at me, rolling his eyes. "Fine." He eventually spoke, although no amused by my request. "But if you faint again, you don't have a choice."

I gave him a small smile and nod. I then felt my legs weaken and my knees nearly buckled, causing Rey to reach out and grab me, but I didn't fall, catching myself before I could. Armie shook his head at me as he turned to walk out of the room. "I'll get you something to eat." He spoke with his back towards me.

"Thank you." I called out after him as he left the room.

I glanced back over to Noah, giving him a small smile as he simply examined my face. My smile dropped as I noticed his expression.

Before I could say anything or think any further, Rey spoke up. "Can you give us a minute?"

I looked over to her as she gave me a small smile.

I then watched Noah's back as he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked, letting out a small laugh of confusion.

"How are you feeling?" Rey placed her hand on my back, rubbing large circles.

I looked back over to her. "Like shit." We both laughed. I lowered my gaze to my lap. "I'm so exhausted." I admitted, whispering as though there was a chance she couldn't hear me. But she did.

"I know." Her voice lowered to match mine.

After a few minutes of silence, she spoke once again. "There's something you should probably know."

I wiped my head up to look at her, my brows furrowing in confusion. I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted by the loud ringing of the doorbell.

I stood up, faltering only slightly, but ignoring it as I stormed towards the door.

I didn't glance over as I noticed Noah and Armie follow me towards the door. I could hear Rey's hurried footsteps behind me.

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