Chapter 7: Crossing a Line

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No one's POV

Jade stares, watching as Victoria tries snapping at Beck's neck, and Beck tries to push her off, every attempt failing when she quickly pounces back on him.

"Get this crazy bitch off of me!" Beck yells, pushing Victoria off again and grunting when she pushes him back down when he tries to stand up.

"Victoria, down." Jade says, grabbing Victoria by the waist and pulling her off. "Stop." She says when Victoria squirms in her arms, making it harder for her to hold the already hard to hold girl.

"Who the fuck is that?" Beck asks, glaring at Victoria, as he stands up, sending a quick glare to Jade before turning it back to Victoria.

"None of your business, Beck." Jade says, letting Victoria go, regretting it when she quickly has to grab Victoria to prevent her from hurting Beck again. "I'll be back." She says, dragging Victoria to her room and closing the door, locking it so Victoria can't get out. "Stay. I'll let you out once he leaves." She says through the locked door.

"Mind telling me who the fuck that bitch was?" Beck asks, rubbing his neck from where Victoria tried to bite him.

"Doesn't matter." Jade says, walking to the front door. "Now leave. We're done here. And not just our project." She says, glaring at her now ex boyfriend.

"What are you trying to say?" Beck asks, glaring at Jade as he slowly makes her way towards her. "You're breaking up with me? For what?" He asks, punching the wall beside Jade's head.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jade asks, stepping under his arm and moving behind him. "Please tell me you intended to punch the wall and not me, or I'll really have to gut you with my scissors." She says, crossing her arms and glaring at Beck. "And yes, I'm breaking up with you. All you ever want to do is fuck, and I'm sick of it." She tells him, tapping her foot against the ground.

"You are not breaking up with me." Beck says with a threatening tone. "You can't break up with me for wanting to spend time with my girlfriend." He says, advancing towards her.

"I can, and I will, because you're not 'spending time' with me. After you get off, you leave, and I have to shower and wash myself out since you refuse to wear protection." Jade says, taking a step back when Beck gets too close.

"Listen here, you fucking slut." Beck says, grabbing Jade's forearms. "We are not breaking up. And you are not turning me down again. Do I make myself clear?" He asks, squeezing her arms.

"Let go of me, Beckett!" Jade says, trying to squirm out of Beck's grip. "Let me go!" She yells when he doesn't.

"Fuck you bitch." Beck says, pushing her to the ground and straddling her. "I came here to fuck your pretty little pussy, and I'm not leaving until I fill you up. Got it?" He says, holding her arms to her sides, using his strength and weight to prevent her from moving.

While Jade tries to get out of Beck's grip and get away from him, neither notice that the lock on Jade's door was broken because Victoria got out, and when Jade yelled for Beck to let her go, Victoria got out and ran upstairs, catching Beck throw Jade to the ground. When Beck moves to lock Jade's hands with his free hand and moves his right hand to undo his pants, Victoria jumps, tackling Beck off Jade and holding him down, a deep growl escaping her lips.

"How the fuck did your bitch get out?" Beck asks, trying to push Victoria off him. "Get off, bitch." He says, giving up pushing her off and trying a more forceful approach, hitting Victoria in the side.

"Oh, you're gonna regret that." Jade says, standing up and rubbing her wrists, as she makes her way over to grab Victoria.

"Kill." Victoria growls out, surprising Jade with her word, and choice of word.

"What did she say?" Beck asks, standing up when Jade gets Victoria off of Beck and holds her back.

"Leave, Beckett. Before I call the cops on you for assault and attempted sexual assault." Jade says, holding Victoria back by the arms, holding her in a Full Nelson and backing up when Victoria tries kicking Beck.

"They won't believe you." Beck says smugly, fixing his clothes.

"My dad is one of the top lawyers in L.A." Jade counters, just as smugly. "We have security cameras set up around the house, something I'm very thankful for now." She says, staring at Beck from over Victoria's squirming shoulders.

"Fuck you. At least she's willing to let me bend her over every night." Beck says, mumbling the last part.

"What did you just say?" Jade asks, tightening her grip on Victoria. "Who lets you bend her over every night?" She says, releasing Victoria when Beck ignores her and goes to leave. "Hold him down. We need to chat." She tells Victoria when the wild soul looks at her upon being released.

"You think I won't kill her?" Beck says, staring at the two girls. Before he says anything else, Victoria tackles him, holding him down.

"Now. Who lets you bend her over? How long have you been cheating on my with this fucking slut?" Jade asks, grabbing Beck's ankles when he tries to roll away from Victoria.

"Hayley." Beck admits with a smirk, not trying to fight anymore. "Remember that girl who was flirting with me at Karaoke Dokie that day Cat wanted to check it out a few months ago? Yeah. Her. She lets me bend her over my bed every night, and has allowed it every night since that night, since you never gave it too me." He says, proud of the look on Jade's face.

"Get out. Get out now before I have to hide your body so I don't go to prison for murder." Jade says with a dark tone. "Now." She says, pulling Victoria off of him.

"We're not done, Jadelyen." Beck says, glaring at Jade and Victoria as he makes his way out. "If that bitch ever touches me again, I'll kill her in front of you." He warns, slamming the door behind him.

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