𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥

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The sticky surface of the misshapen cherry bulb lingers with trickles of slick passing over the bow of your bottom lip and down from the corner, your tongue lathers and curls around the white plastic stick directing it left to right and right to left. Your mind trembles from the shuddering thoughts of the wicked and the unsatisfying adventures you had saddled upon last Friday night. The ride itself was hardly panty wetting enough of experience for a dry shrimp into your pussy that was better off being limp and was as delectable as choking on a pin.

The clattering of acrylic nails chipping away at the beaten-up wooden surface of the desk besides yours and hers, Izuki finds relinquishing her boredom from relentlessly tapping her pencil away at the desk. Your jaw slackens upon your palm keeping you steady and away from face planting the lacquer as your eyes trail after the others chilling within their chairs. The school year has only just begun and here you are finding the first break of the first week starving of anything lacklustre. Or lusting for that matter, it came down to your two fingers and a restricted website to relieve your sexual frustrations of the week prior.

Izuki had no luck either at the party striking mere pittance with the basketball team over at Shiratorizawa, the third years with their frat boyish rituals and their dogging grind of everyone's backend was more than unattractive. Still, you all went in hopes of a needy shag to relieve yourself before the stress inducing year of entering second year in high school. Balancing on the fringe of adolescence from first year waving you goodbye and young adulthood side-eyeing you at the gates. This year is the only year you can be free and that's with the bonus of clubs, teachers being fucking assholes and boys being boys.

Hana, and Chihiro hum between themselves painting each other's nails and glossing over the precious rules against makeup not that anyone follows them. Over to your right in the centre of the room used to reside a boy that was so loud and was known for causing disturbances that there wasn't much to gossip about when he finally got suspended. The old as time rule breaking motto, 'rules are meant to be broken,' never ceases to amaze you with how much fun you can riot together.

"Urgh, life's too dry." Groaning with a slouch the other three flicking over their extra thick lashes.

It's enough of an audience that chewing upon your bottom lip becomes more of a chore to sell your melodramatic push. It's all about the scheme, the plan, the cunning drills to get them to ask, make them think that they were prompted to ask. Reverse psychology never ceases to amaze you. Twirling the plastic stick by your free hand the cherry flavoured bulb presses deeper against your inner cheek causing a bulbous head to suggestively protrude from your cheek. Hana nibbles upon her own upon noticing the innuendo gag the other two smirk flashing their eyes back towards the front.

It's not like anyone looks back at you guys anyway, 'the bad girls might fight you' 'you might catch their stupidity' 'That bitch Y/n better not be thinking about stealing my man'. For one thing your troop aren't fighters they're defenders, and the girls including you in that equation have braincells to put in the work and lastly why would you want their musty dusty boyfriends when you could have men. Men that know how to fuck and give a good head, but it seems they have all dried up seeing how you're left with children, boys only caring enough about their own pleasures.

"Like the desert?" Hana scoffs knowing far too well that the dry hump you rode last week didn't even get your jeans sticky.

"Uh-huh." Nodding, Izuki pauses in her tapping finally fully engaging with your insatiable antics.

"That's why we should spice things up a lil." Leaning forwards quickly drawing the girls in like a dog to a bone but these bitches be in a constant state of heat.

Flicking your gaze from one curious stare to the other a perking smile proceeds to thoroughly enjoy itself upon your lips as you are more than the nights you've spent alone. Keeping the bulbous cherry sucked up around your cheek and the stick in a way to allow speech you draw your hands up gesturing towards your grand plan as a game of charades has begun. The girls hum in understanding all flitting their gazes amongst themselves completely disregarding their mundane tasks and solely regard it unto you.

"Let's have a lil competition on who can fuck the most guys?" This for certain perks up their already interested hearts as you can already feel the knots churning insides.

Legs screw together as your lips squeal in anticipation.

"That's easy." Chihiro whines shrugging back to her nails not at all overjoyed as she was before.

The others turn to look at you as if the obvious isn't well obvious, you all already compete against each other but whilst that is under the nose to pretty much everyone but themselves. This is however much different, it's something to get everyone's panties in a twist, to get boys rutting into your legs at the possibility of being the one. What does every boy fantasise about? About being a father and yet not at all, having a breeding kink, claiming a woman and being able to walk away as if you never existed.

That is what makes things different.

You won't be just playing but with them and all the boys that decided to fuck you the wrong way. Everyone will know who's the best fuck and who can't even last a minute from overstimulation and premature ejaculation.

"Nah, you have to fuck your way through the alphabet, A to Z." They halt in their tracks, their questioning eyes spark alive thinking over what you just said.

Sure you've played with many guys but most of the time they hang around in packs of four each time having somewhat the same name like the last three other groups you've all been with. Being with guys that have different abilities, tastes in bed is something new especially when many of the guys have yet to be with a veteran slut of Miyagi or what those little shits like to call you.

It's rather more of a compliment than an insult anyway it's not like their virgin pussies will satisfy their men later in life and what begs the question on who taught them how to have spectacular overstimulating sex. Returning the gift of your hard labour back to them so you might as well thank them inn advance for their compliments as they will never suspect you to being the reason why they're receiving amazing head.

"It would be over before the fun even starts." Izuki ruins your thinking process with her Debby-downer energy.

"That is why you can only do up to fiver guys per school, it makes it more... how do I say. Adventurous." Smirking knowingly as they all cotton on faster than you can give them credit for.

The teacher rolls in sliding out the freshly cleaned board from the previous day and etches out the beginning of recess, turning back into your seat fully now returning back to class waiting for your name to pop up within the register. Your eyes linger upon the empty seat that would have held a far too energetic that you figured him first for your little charade but alas you would have to stick with plan B.

A mental note starts checking off inside your allusive but rather dark dirty mind and plan B begins with you making your way towards the third year wing at lunch. 


A smutty book with a few characters that don't really get some action 

This has been rewritten - 10/08/2022

𝔸𝕝𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕓𝕖𝕥  (Haikyuu) This is being rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now