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As the drills of the lunch bell echoes throughout the hallways and finally invading into the many mind numbing classrooms, to which you honestly doubt that you learnt anything from sensei's droning. Swiftly packing everything up – which is very little – before elegantly removing yourself from your seated position which can't help but elicit a few stares from the boys. Clearly ogling and nutting in their briefs as their eyes follow the jiggling plump flesh bounce out from your sheer black stockings whilst ascending to a stand. Unable to stop a smirk dancing its way upon your lips as their growing hunger for your legs to be drooped over their shoulders slobber all over you like mutts rutting into a bitch in heat all for it to be a wistful wet dream.

"Hoe, where the fuck are you going?" Hana asks looking up from her notes; at least someone understood whatever sensei was going on about.

Chihiro and Izuki tear their eyes away from their beautifully decorated bento boxes which you know first hand taste absolutely amazing since on a couple occasions they've gifted you some. Smirking at them now as you flip your hair back with as much grace as a panther overlooking from her hunting perch overlooking her terrain.


With nothing more to add you leave behind your dumbfounded friends which seems to be a little slow on the uptake, the games have begun and there's no time waiting around for the dead to rise. Quickly but gracefully with as much as you can muster in one day you fly out of the room and down the hall.

The good thing to note about you is that your intuition is and always will be on point about lunch times forever being busy and filled to the brim with snooty nose brats upturning their noses upon seeing your figure strutting down the hall. Lest it makes them any less prudish than they already are and even begin to have impure for their modest minds. Swiftly picking up speed as you round the corner as a if you're hunter prowling her prey, you have an inkling where he may be hiding since from your recollection of last year and how devastated he was you can't imagine him picking up a ball again for a while.

Lest their be a miracle to pull him out of his slump and that is where you come into the flow of things. With your belongings clutched tightly behind you and your blazer stricken taut around your chest from the way you hold yourself. Everyone has their own little prejudices, to you its known school wide but to him and to many of the younger years and any that see him as a thug. A cool delinquent if that is what you heard correctly from the guys own lips. It was in passing as the best place to look for hook-ups is the Sendai city gym and he was chatting to the now newly made captain and vice-captain about his well kept appearance.

It's adorable really enough so you want to fuck it out of him.

You want to see how such a kind-hearted, young man fucks you in his bed, is he as soft as he is on the outside or is there a beast slumbering inside waiting for someone keen enough to unleash his wicked desires. Whatever it maybe gets your panties in a twist and very much suctioned to your lips as you walk along the third year hallway. Eyes everywhere licking up along your form, you wouldn't say that you are excessively pretty or hot that gets everyone's heads to turn and neither are you the slut of Maine street but a record is what you do have.

It's neither flashy nor sophisticated to carry but alas it sticks to you like glue and burns you every time you even think about entering a relationship. Man, do people get irritable upon hearing your sex life lest it be how many men you've been with that racks up into the double digits. But what are you going to do about it, cry? Shame yourself for living? Hell no.

The misogyny and women-on-women hate is something that forever needs to be battled with especially in Japan where if you don't fit the standards well good luck on thinking about marriage. No mother-in-law is going to allow her son to marry someone whose sexually confident about themselves. But it's the men that want you, lay with you and always come out fresher than a lamb in spring despite you more times than one is left with disappointment.

Throwing the pessimism away however as you stand to attention outside classroom three-three the door stands open with many of the girls and boys aware of who you are that their gazes flit between themselves and you. A tall, broad boy comes up stretching up his arm barricading you between him and the hallway. Your eyes remain fixated, scanning inside the room your eyes flitting from man-bun to the next before they zero in on him.


"H-hello." He squeaks out a dry greeting chafing harshly up his throat. "What can-" before the poor sod can finish his question however you lean over and ask.

"Is Azumane-senpai here?" He blinkers several times before the question finally hits him the gut.

Coughing he turns his head as if his joints need a good oiling from the lack of enthusiasm to disappear from your sights. His lips open and close, many of his classmates watch him wobble from his expanding ego being punctured by someone younger than he and it being you no less.

"Asahi, uh, a girl is here for you." He shouts, you feel his side eye jump from you to the coming male.

His shout rouses a clatter of chatter whistling through the classroom like a sudden brisk wind, a few of his classroom friends cheer and cat call as they all know too well that he's about to get some.

Asahi stands tall around six feet in height and many would assume that someone of his calibre would own such magnificent height as if he was conquering the world yet you watch him shift from one foot to the next. His hands fidget over his oversized cream jumper whilst his tie lies sloppily around his neck and a drip of sweat soaks into his cotton white dress shirt. His dark eyes jump from you to whatever is around and behind you, his anxiety threatens your own as its never simple approaching someone. Especially for sex.

Now that you're up close and personal with him you can't exactly see why people mistake him for a thug since he's exuding energy of a frightened baby crow. Rolling your lip between your teeth, looking him up from head to toe wondering just how you're going to climb this motherfucker and how he's going to wreck your insides.

"Ah, hello, how may I help you with something?" Watching as his Adam's apple bob from each exhaling words that fret between each other.

He's just as unsure what to say as what to make of this little visit. Watching him scratch his neck your head tilts and the bow of your lips slip into a sly smile.

"Azumane-senpai, what are you doing after school?" Fluttering your long lashes at him not missing for a beat at the loud gulp whilst your hand mischievously slides up along his buttoned front.

His pectorals instantly stiffen from the sudden tender touch, your fingertips tapping gently upward and across, feeling the way his muscles react and all as quickly as it came you draw back letting your hand droop back to your side. His entire being shivers above your lusting gaze if by some pious miracle that he hasn't gotten the hint then maybe that will and then some.

"Uh, ah, actually no L/n-san. Why?" Scratching the scruff of his chin whilst finally maintaining eye contact with you.

Leaning close upon your tippy toes closing in the little personal space the either of you retain as the rest of the world fades to white, the low hush of your whisper tickles the inside of his neck. If anything will get a man bucking into his briefs it's activating his erogenous zone and watching them squirm for more.

"Well, do you want to spend it doing me." Eyes flutter up connecting to his blown out pupils as if a wild beast has taken over.

Asahi freezes, thinking.

"I'll take that as a yes, wait for me at the gate." You hardly question his silence hoping once you're already down the hallway back to the second year floor that he's come out from his trance. 


SMUTTY chapter incoming 

This has been rewritten - 10/08/2022

𝔸𝕝𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕓𝕖𝕥  (Haikyuu) This is being rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now