015: Young Lust

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"What do I have to do? Huh?"

Lana groaned, slowly opening her eyes

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Lana groaned, slowly opening her eyes.
She focused more clearly and saw she was in bed.
She had no clue how she got home and noticed she was still in her Halloween outfit.
She fortunately found she didn't have a large headache although she couldn't fully remember everything that happened last night.
Lana sat up and looked around.

She's guessing Steve took her home.
She used the bathroom and decided to take a shower.

Lana had gotten out and put on a nightgown, not even bothering putting "actual" clothes on.

Lana suddenly started to remember what had happened.

And then the kiss.
Lana got goosebumps.
She kissed Billy.

And Steve was mad at her.


Lana dialed Steve's number and he picked up after a couple rings

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Lana dialed Steve's number and he picked up after a couple rings.

Steve asked groggily

"Hey, you."
Lana said nervously into the receiver.


"Steve, I'm sorry if I hurt you. It, It just happened okay? I only kissed him."

"I'm not mad Lana."
Steve finally said sighing

"I knew it was going to happen."
He mumbled.
Lana was glad he couldn't see her face.

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