017: Tears Roll Down

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"I thought I lost you."

"It's gonna take more than that."

Lana opened her eyes and saw she was in her living room

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Lana opened her eyes and saw she was in her living room.
She stood up weakly, only to fall back down onto the couch, wincing in pain.
She let out an annoyed sigh.

"Take it easy, Kid."

Lana looked up and saw Hopper walking towards her from the kitchen.

"Where are the kids? Where's Jane? Oh my god, Steve.."
She started rambling as Jim hushed her, trying to calm down.
She suddenly started to sob into his chest and he held her softly, trying to not hurt her.

"They are all okay. You need to worry about yourself right now kiddo."
Jim said quietly.
Lana just continued to cry.

"It's gonna be okay, Kid. It's all over now."
He said softly to her while he just held her and tried not to cry himself, knowing that it wasn't that easy.

They both knew that.

Steve pulled up to Lanas house, face bandaged up now

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Steve pulled up to Lanas house, face bandaged up now.
He didn't even knock on the door, just threw it open.
He found Hopper by the table in the kitchen.

"Where is she?"
He asked breathlessly.
Jim nodded towards the couch, lighting up a cigarette.
Steve hurried over and saw Lana laying down.

"Hey, You."
Steve said, his voice cracking, emotions overcoming him when he saw Lana.
He was so happy she was okay.
He got on his knees and held Lana while she embraced him.

Nowhere Girl ✨ [B.H]  ✨Where stories live. Discover now