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"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"Bria asks, places clothes into her bag.

"I need to be here Cesar. He shouldn't be alone when finding his brother's body." Monse said from the other line. "You sure you don't want to-"

"I don't think I can see him like that. I wish I could but I can't. " Bria said, holding in her tears. "Besides, Oscar told me to leave if I didn't hear from him. Cuchillos is probably out looking for me. Only thing buying me time is that I've been staying at the art studio instead of home."

"Our Uber is here, I'll call you after."

"I'll text you. I may be on the bus by then. You guys be safe. Love you."

"Love you too."

Bria walks into the bathroom and grabs most of her toiletries. She goes to grab her toothbrush to see the blue one next to hers. It belonged to Oscar for whenever he slept at the studio with her. He was really gone.

She wiped her tears and continued to pack her things. With cuchillos still alive, she had to leave like Oscar said. Honestly she should've left days ago but she needed to know. Nothing was keeping her in Freeridge anymore. Her art show money was going to get her by in her new life.


Her eyes look at the phone. Her Uber was outside.

As she zips up her bag, her phone goes off on the bed. Nessa. Bria hadn't talked to her since she left Nicole's house. "Hello?"

"Bria, Im sorry." Vanessa said.

Bria stood in silence for moment for letting out a sigh "Honestly Vanessa, I just think I need to be alone right now. "

"Bria-" Bria hung up and turned off her phone. She grabs her duffle bag and heads out the door. The car parked right in front.

"Are you Bria Finnie?"

Bria nods, getting into the car. "Can we make a stop please? I'll pay extra." She ask, putting her seatbelt on.

The driver nods "yeah, that's fine."Bria gives her the address. She had to make a stop before leaving Freeridge. The driver pulls into a parking spot.

Bria opens the back door, "I'll only be a few minutes." The driver nods.

Bria steps out the car and walks towards the beach. The two friends had a lot of moments at the beach. They've talked, they've argued, they've loved each other there.

"There's so much I can say." She said, breaking her silence. "You believed in me more than I did. You've been there for me when I needed you most and it hurts knowing I can't repay you. You were truly my rock."

Bria looked down at her feet. "I never wanted to leave without you." She said, breaking down. "I love you Oscar and until we meet again."


"Your bus should be boarding soon. I wouldn't go too far."

Bria nods, "Thanks." She grabs her bus ticket from the attendant and heads to the nearest empty seat. Her bag placed by her feet and her backpack on her lap. This was the moment she was always looking forward to but it wasn't what she wanted.

Bria reaches into her bag and pulls out her black sketchbook. She started to flip through the pages. It was sketches and photos of her with Oscar.

"Bus to Seattle Washington is now boarding."

Bria sighs and closes the book. She grabs her bag from next to her feet and heads to the bus. She gets on the bus and takes a seat in the back.

"Is this seat taken?" An older man asks.

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