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A/N: This is the second to last chapter. Next chapter will be the last of this story. I really the love from all of you. The comments definitely had me dying 😭. Not too much on these last two chapters though.


Bria takes a breath as the tears fall down her face. What was she gonna do? How is she gonna explain to Mateo? What is she gonna do about the move? Her thoughts all over the place with a baby due soon.

"Mateo is a asleep." Ray said, sitting next to her.

"Thank you." She said with a small smile. "I just couldn't-"

"It's okay."

Bria sighs, "What am I gonna tell Cesar? He still doesn't know and I have to go back to the hospital to get his stuff." She said.

Ray shook his head, "I wish I knew but you need to get Mateo to Portland where you two are safe."

"I want Cesar to come with us. Oscar would want his brother to be with us." She said, holding back tears.

"Go get some sleep; we can talk more in the morning." Ray said.

Bria nods before heading back inside the building. She walks into the room to see Mateo asleep in the pack n play. Tears started to fill her eyes as she could see  Oscar's features shinning through.

As she cried looking at her son, her phone rings. Cesar. He had been calling her all night, making her mute her phone. Bria didn't know how to tell him about Oscar. She grabs her phone and heads outside. A sigh is let out before her finger pressed 'answer'. "Bria! I've been trying to get-"

"He's gone." She cried. "They tried-" he hung up.

As she went to re-dial is number, another call came through. Vanessa. "Bria?"

"Hey," she said, attempting to pull herself together.

"Im calling to check on you."

Bria shrugs, "I just don't know what to do." She said, breaking down. "He finally got the life we've always talked about and now-"

"Bria you did what you could. We all did. Take this time to rest because you're 8 months pregnant and to give Mateo as much love as he needs."

Bria nods and takes a deep breath, "I want to thank you for tonight. It's sad we had to see each other under these circumstances."

"I was just doing my job. I have to get back to work but take care of yourself." Vanessa said. "We can catch up soon."

"I'd honestly like that and thanks again."


"I still don't think it's safe for you to stay here" Ray said, exiting the moving truck.

"If someone wants me, they're gonna find me wherever I am." Cesar answers.

"Mijo, you need anything, you call me. Any time of day." The father and son hug each other. Bria smirks as the moment happens in front of her.

When the two pull apart, she hands him a small box. "As soon as I'm done with school, I'm gonna come see you and the kids. Can't wait to meet Lydia and get to know Mateo." Cesar said.

Bria nods, "Mateo would love to spend time with his Tío." She said, before giving him a hug. "I'll be back to visit once I give birth and things calm down. I do need a favor from you."


She reaches into the truck and pulls out a black urn. "Lay him somewhere his kids can visit."

He shook his head, "I can't do that."

"You can." She said, holding back tears. "Before Mateo, you were the only person your brother loved more than me."

Cesar nods, "You better get going."

"Love you Cesar and stay safe." She said, before getting into the truck. "I'll see you soon." She watched as the house slowly disappeared. Bria's dream and nightmare were coming to life.


A couple years ago....

Oscar gets out of the car and walks over to the passenger side. "No peeking." He said, helping a pregnant Bria out of the car.

She laughs, "Oscar, what's the surprise?"

"You'll see." He said, guiding her forward. "You ready."

"Yes! I want this blindfold off." She said.

"You can take it off." He said, standing next to her.

Bria removed the blindfold to see a house in front of her. "Oscar-"

"I thought with the baby coming, we would need our own space." He said. "It's got a big backyard for him to play in and to host parties. There's even an extra room for you to turn into a studio."

Bria looks up at Oscar before walking into the home. It was spacious despite the outside appearance. She continued and looked in each room.

"I know it's not our dream home but it's a start." He said, as she makes her way back to him. "We can stay here for now and then eventually save up for a whole new life. We can finally move out of Freeridge and give Mateo a life he deserves."

"And a life we've always wanted." Bria said with a smile. "I love it"

He pulls her in and pressed his lips against hers. "I love you, Bria. Have I ever told you that?"

She laughed, "I'll never get tired of hearing it."

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