Chapter 1

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Every step I take, every move I make. Every single day, every time I pray. I'll be missin' you. Thinkin' of the day when you went away. What a life to take, what a bond to break. I'll be missin' you.

Your POV:
You know it's funny. Love I mean. I've always wondered what it was like. From such a young age. Always wondered why people seem so happy and excited when someone asks them out. Is it really such a good thing? Like people make it out to believe. I always thought love was some minor part of life. Like it meant nothing. Had no meaning. Until I met Kousei. I'd like to say he was the love of my life, but how would I even know. He was my first partner. The whole experience was new to me. A swirling wreck of emotions I had never faced. We had so much in common. He was on the basketball team, and I. Well, I played sports every now and again. But not often.

I always have such vivid dreams. Dreams about all sorts of things. About Kousei. About sport. Sometimes no dreams at all. Sometimes I just stop and think. I would be doing that right now if someone wasn't shaking me. I think I fell asleep. I opened my eyes and saw Kousei stood in front of me. My dog sat next to me. There was a breakfast tray on the bedside locker. I wiped my eyes. Not believing what was going on. Did I miss something or what? I looked directly at Kousei, blinking a couple times before he chuckled.

"Ah someone's finally awake. Hurry up and eat or we'll be late." Kousei tells me.

"Wait we have school?!" I shout.

"Yes. Now eat so we can leave." Kousei says.

I listened to Kousei and ate my breakfast, giving the odd piece of bacon and sausage to Mochi. I eventually finished and quickly threw on my Nekoma uniform before heading down to the living room. The plus side to parents who work abroad is that I get to live alone. The downside is that I live alone. I never felt so lonely when they left for America until Kousei came into my life. Now he's here nearly everyday because he doesn't want me to feel alone. Which is, in all honesty, such a sweet thing to do.

"You ready? Let's go then." Kousei says.

"Erm yeah ok. Can't we stay at home. I don't wanna go to school." You reply.

"Unfortunately if we want to pass high school we have to." Kousei says, giggling a little.

In all honesty, I still am so befuddled by the fact that Kousei asked me out. The captain of the basketball team dating someone like me. I'm sure it confused several people. To me, it just makes me laugh at the irony of the situation. We put on our shoes and left the house, making sure to lock it as we do so. I placed the key in my blazer pocket and locked hands with Kousei, walking to school in sync with each other.

Once we got there, we both went to our classrooms and the day just went slowly like that. Until it was eventually time to leave. Kousei had practice so I decided to go and watch today as a surprise. I know he wasn't expecting it. I arrived and took a seat in the bleachers, waiting for the team to arrive. They eventually did and Kousei looked at me, blowing me a kiss before setting up for their practice. After about an hour and a half, they had finished and began packing up. Once they packed up, I left with Kousei, hand in hand. We began the walk to my house, watching as the sun began to set.

All of a sudden, a car that was swerving all over the place came out of nowhere. They were driving on the wrong side of the road and didn't seem to be in control of the car. Kousei and I both noticed but soon the car began driving towards us. Kousei pushed me out of the way and the car hit him. The driver then reversed and got out of the car. Leaving me to see his lifeless body on the floor. The driver saw and began to panic. A citizen saw and called the police. The driver still in such a panic. While I sat there. Frozen in place.

I. I don't even know what to say. Or do. I just watched my boyfriend die trying to save me. The person I saw as my soulmate. I. I. I can't take it. Why would he do this? I know he was trying to save me, but why?

From that day on I vowed I would never fall in love again. I felt so guilty for what happened. If only Kousei agreed to stay at home that day, then this wouldn't have happened. If. If only I never went to his practice. Or begged and begged him to stay at home for the day. If only. That's what I keep telling myself. If only. It's been 2 weeks since it happened. I haven't been to school since. I haven't left the house since. I don't even think my friends know what happened. But. I can't go back to Nekoma. Not after what happened. I can't face them. I don't want all the sympathy. I don't.

I have spoken to one person about it, but I don't think that has helped me really. I think he's coming over today actually. I guess I need to figure out what to do with my life. I haven't spoken to anyone in the past two weeks. Or had fresh air. Seen the sun. Or the moon rise and set.

A knock at my door soon came and I slowly climbed out of bed to go and open it.

"Kenma." I say, trying not to cry.

I let Kenma in and we sit down on my sofa. I don't say anything and neither does he. I go to speak but change my mind. He then does the same. My dog Mochi comes out from the kitchen and decides she's going to sit on Kenma's lap. I can tell she's trying to lighten to mood but I don't think it's working.

"Look. Y/N. I know you're sad though sad probably doesn't even describe it. But if you don't feel that you can come back to Nekoma because of what happened, I can get Kuroo to ask Karasuno's Captain to see if he can get you enrolled there." Kenma says, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. I think that'd be nice. Just. Please tell Kuroo not to tell them why I have suddenly decided to change schools. At the start of the year at that as well. I don't want the sympathy." I reply.

"I can try but Kuroo is stubborn. I'll see what he says." Kenma says.

"Thank you." I say hugging Kenma.

It lasts a while before Kenma has to leave and go back home, leaving me alone with my dog.

Sick of losing soulmates - Kageyama x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now