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A few days have passed. I stayed at Mr. Jeon's house the first day, but made him drive me home in the afternoon. He was reluctant, but did it in the end. I haven't left my house since then. I didn't go to school because I know I will have to face Seo-yeon, and I'm in no condition for that. My maid, Jisoo, has been bringing me food and making sure I'm taking the medicine Dr. Kim prescribed.

I overheard my mother yelling at Jisoo yesterday, insisting to know what I'm doing "lazing about". Jisoo, my angel, explained that I had caught a very contagious flu. She would wear a mask and gloves whenever she entered the room to make the lie believable. As soon as she was inside though, she would remove them, and sit with me to help me eat, or just have a friendly conversation. I don't know what I would do without her.

I know that I need to go to school tomorrow though. I'm so far behind, and every day that passes, I am risking my graduation. I don't know how I'll get it done, but I'm determined to finish. If I graduate, I have a plan to attend college and move out to live on my own. I know by doing this, the Lee's will have to shift control of a bulk of my father's money to me. It's going to be a fight I'm sure.

I've overheard a number of things that make me believe they are relying a little too much on the money left for my "care". I don't know the whole story, but I think Ju-won's company is in trouble. When my 'mother' almost killed me the other day, I heard what Ju-won said. 'If I die they'll lose everything.' I'm not sure why though. I would think with me out of the way, they could spend the money on whatever they want... Unless there is something I don't know. I never even knew how much money was left, so I'm completely in the dark. I need to find the court papers and figure this out.

Jisoo comes in with lunch, and I ask her if they're home. She tells me that they left an hour ago. I probably have time before they return, so I decide to go to Ju-won's office. I tell Jisoo what I'm doing, and she begs me not to. She knows if they find out I'll likely face harsh consequences. I tell her that I have to do it, but she insists to go for me. I'm scared that she'll be found out though.

It's been an hour since she left my room to go and look for the court papers in Ju-won's home office. I'm pacing back and forth, starting to panic. When another 30 minutes passes with no sign of my maid, I head out to find her. Walking down the stairs for the first time since the beating, I feel suddenly afraid. I look around and don't see anyone, so I head towards the office. As soon as I'm outside the door I hear voices. Standing still and holding my breath, I try to hear what's being said.

"No sir. She doesn't suspect me. She asked me to find the court papers. I will head back and tell her I couldn't locate them."

"Ah Jisoo... You're so good to me. I don't know what I would do without you. Come here babe. Let me give you a reward."

The next thing I heard was wet slurping noises as they made out. I heard them moaning and I knew I was completely alone. With tears sliding down my cheeks, I hurried back to my room. I locked my door and just sat with my back against it and wept. She was never my friend... She was working for that disgusting man the whole time. She's the one my mother should be mad at, but obviously my deserter believes it was me he was cheating with. Gross...

I must have fallen asleep because I wake to soft knocks on my door. I mask my emotions, and open it to a guilty looking Jisoo. She apologizes for worrying me, and insists she checked the whole office without being able to find the papers. She wonders aloud if maybe it's in a safe deposit box at the bank. I nod at her and tell her that's probably what they did. I know for a fact that Ju-won wouldn't do that. He'll want the papers close. I guess I'll have to search myself, but with the betrayer, Jisoo, around, my job just got harder.

Jisoo apologizes again, and as she turns to leave, I can't help myself... "You never told me about your boyfriend Jisoo..." I see the confused and nervous look on her face. "W-What do you m-mean M-Miss Sophia? I don't have a boyfriend." I chuckle internally, and point to her neck where a nasty fresh hickey can be seen. "I just assumed with the hickey... Sorry... No judgments here. You do you, my friend." She blushes and puts a hand over her neck. "It was... I..." I interrupt her to not have her lie again. "Don't explain. It's not my business. I'm sorry. I'll see you tomorrow after school."

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