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It was about maybe forty-five minutes to an hour before we arrived at the parking garage after the attack in the alleyway. We didn't go over there immediately. We knew they were waiting for us. Instead, we opted to enter a building nearby.

We're not across the street from the parking garage; we're next to it. I don't know what this building used to be. They took anything useful out and left all the trash. There are a few crates left in here, though. I'm sitting on one, my back against the wall, my arms crossed, watching the parking garage through the tiny spot I tried to clear on the window. It's still blurry, but I can see a little bit.

Mom, Dad, and Brooklyn are talking right now, Dad needed to rest a minute, and they're discussing the plan. Maybe it's because I'm young, but I got bored, so I decided to watch the guards instead. They think they're hiding, but they're really not. Even through this dirty window, I can see them.

Mom: Do you think you're ready?

I look up at Mom. She's wearing a warm smile like everything is going great. Mom being a mother.

Me: I'm ready to be done with all this.

Mom: Me too.

She pulls a crate over and sits next to me. She sits facing me and leans forward slightly.

Mom: Have they done anything?

Me: No.

I go back to watching.

Me: They're just standing there, thinking they're hiding.

Mom: What would be your plan?

Me: Take them out, get a car, drive away.

Mom: I meant for a more detailed plan.

Me: That's my plan.

Mom: Y/N wants to take them out quietly, one by one. You take one, Brooklyn takes one, he and I take one.

Me: It's possible. They're not close enough to notice their buddies getting attacked if you do it right. We would need to take them all out around the same time.

Mom: Yep, Brooklyn is making the first move; we're following suit.

I look over at Brooklyn and Dad. Dad leans against an old counter, his single hand balancing him. Brooklyn adjusts her beanie but otherwise keeps her arms crossed. They look pretty serious, so the conversation is probably about this or what to do when we get home.

Me: How's Dad?

Mom: Throat is still giving him some problems. It probably will for a few days—nothing we can do about it.

Me: What about his arm?

Maybe if we didn't assume it was the two of them wreaking havoc, we could have saved it.

Mom: It'll be an adjustment. It's like he lost his arm again, with less pain.

Me: If we were attacked tomorrow when we got home, how would he be?

Mom: Quit worrying.

She puts her hand on my knee and leans forward a little more.

Mom: That's my job.

Me: I just don't want you guys to get hurt.

Brooklyn: Shut up!

Dad starts laughing and then coughing. I look over to see Brooklyn punching him in the arm and then begin to walk away. He might've said something about losing his arm the first time, which always makes Brooklyn upset even though Dad was over it immediately after it happened; could've been teasing her about Olympus when she was into him, still can't believe that; or maybe he saw an opportunity for a Dad joke and went for it.

Brooklyn: Never gives me a break.

She plops down on one of the crates.

Me: Well, you never give him a break, so...

I shrug my shoulders.

Me: Are you surprised?

Brooklyn: He has more ammunition than me.

Mom: He does it out of love, just like you.

I'm surprised Dad hasn't come to join us. He's stayed where he is.

Brooklyn: I know, I know.

Mom: Was it a joke about the arm?

Brooklyn: Yeah, mixed with a joke about fancying him.

Two in one. I wasn't expecting that.

Brooklyn: I shouldn't have told him that.

Mom: I remember explicitly telling you not too long before you actually did.

Brooklyn: I thought that was just because you didn't want any competition.

She's playing. She gets a tiny smile that tugs at the top of her lips when she is.

Mom: Pfft, please. We know who's winning that one. I told you because I knew that this would happen... There's no way you expected him to let you live it down.

Brooklyn: I thought maybe he would think it's too awkward to say anything.

Mom: He doesn't care. You knew that too. He's been in many more awkward positions.

Dad: Are you guys ready to get out of here?

His voice. It's so scratchy and awful sounding. He's joined us, although he hasn't grabbed a seat. There aren't any left, but I don't think he would've.

Mom: Are you?

She stands up and walks over to him. She stands in front of him and places one hand on his chest, and grabs his only hand.

Dad: I won't be any more ready than I am. The sooner we get home, the sooner I can really rest.

Brooklyn: Let's get to it then. Marina, you've got the far guard. Watch for me to take mine out in the middle.

Dad: And we have the one closest to us... Marina.

Me: Yeah, Dad?

Dad: You got this. I love you.

Mom: I agree with him. And I love you.

Me: Thanks. I love you both too. I'll see you in the car.

I head out of the building into the cold to face the problem in front of us.


The section is coming to an end soon. And then we get into the last one of this book. Thank you for all your love and support. It means the world to me.

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