Chapter 1

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"I'm leaving... I'm going to train in Australia."

Y/n told the group as she looked down at the floor, scared that they'll say mean things to her. Ikuya looked at y/n as he felt his heart snap into two, he tighten his fist as he shook his head. Tears started to form on the corners of his eyes as he tried his best to blink them away.

"Leave then..!! I wouldn't care because I hate you!"

Ikuya yelled as he tighten his fist stronger, digging into his palm with his nails. Y/n felt tears prickle at the corner of her eyes as she tried grabbing Ikuya's arms, only to be pushed away by him.

"Don't touch me..! Leave just leave! We don't want you here..!"

Ikuya yelled as he ran away from the group, y/n tried yelling out his name but it was already too late. He was gone and that was the last time y/n got to see him before she left.

How did it get to this? Well let's start from the beginning and I mean the very beginning before this whole situation happened...


Y/n sighed as she looked at the team practicing their swimming. She swung her legs into the water as she sat on the side of the pool with a pout on her face. Her H/C hair sticked to her face from the sweat she had. Natsuya walked over to y/n and chuckled a bit as he sat down next to her.

"What's wrong?"

Natsuya asked as Nao walked by and sat down next to the both of them. Y/n sighed as she pointed towards the boys who were practicing.

"I can't even swim with them..! I want to swim with them but I can't..."

Y/n sighed as she leaned against Natsuya's shoulder and pouted even more making both of the boys chuckle and pat y/n's back. Nao smiled as he pointed towards the reflection of y/n's face on the water.

"I know you may want to swim with them but look you need to pay attention to yourself. You have potential."

Nao told y/n as Natsuya nodded agreeing with him, she looked into her reflection as she sighed and nodded. Y/n got up and put her goggles on and dived into the pool immediately, she was graceful in the water, she looked at home whenever she would be in the water. Natsuya looked up and saw that Ikuya was staring at y/n. He smirked as he touched Nao to get his attention.

"I may be wrong here but I see someone admiring a certain girl."

Natsuya chuckled as Nao smiled softly and nodded, Ikuya eventually noticed that Natsuya was staring and turned around with a small blush on his face.

——————Timeskip to a race!——————

Y/n cheered for the boys as they all swam in a relay. It was Haru's turn, he jumped into the water and swam fast yet graceful. Y/n couldn't help but admire Haru as he swim beautifully with every stroke, Ikuya was also in awed with Haru's swimming. That's the thing Ikuya and y/n had in common, they looked up to Haru when it came to swimming. Haru eventually hit the wall making Ikuya dive into the water and swim as fast as he could. Even though y/n hated him she still wanted the best for the team, she decided to cheer him on.

"Go Ikuya!!! C'mon!!"

Y/n yelled with a small blush, Natsuya smirked as he watched y/n cheer for Ikuya. In the end of the race they ended up losing making everyone frown softly. As the day passed everyone walked together around the sunflowers. Ikuya suggested that they should all have a swim camp at a school. Y/n smiled as she agreed along with everyone.

————————Swim camp!!!———————

Y/n sighed as she watched the videos with the group in boredom. She laid down on the ground ignoring the video, Makoto chuckled as he elbowed y/n softly.

"What's wrong? Are you bored?"

Makoto asked with a small smile as y/n nodded. She pointed towards the videos and shook her head softly at the team.

"These videos won't show us how to swim!! Ugh they're so boring!!"

"You probably can't focus on them because you're stupid."

Ikuya told y/n with a smirk on his face, y/n immediately frowned as she rolled her sleeves up and jumped on Ikuya. The both of them rolled around as they put each other in a chokehold. Makoto and Asahi started to panic as they tried to separate the both of them, eventually they ended up separating as they both had a frown on their face.

"Kiss my ass, Kirishima! You're just butthurt I swim better than you!"

"In your dreams, L/N!! You wish you could catch up to me!"

Ikuya yelled back at y/n making her smirk as she held her eyebag down and sticked her tongue out at Ikuya, she got up and started to walk out towards the pool.

"You guys can go to sleep, I'll be back in soon."

Y/n told the boys as they nodded except Ikuya. Y/n walked out and sat down on the side of the pool, she sticked her legs into the pool and looked up at the sky.

"You're going to get sick if you only stick your feet in."

Y/n looked back and saw that Ikuya was standing next to her. She frowned as he sat down next to her and did the same thing.

"Monkey see monkey do, huh?"

Y/n chuckled softly as she saw Ikuya frown and pushed her softly. Y/n chuckled a bit making Ikuya smile, it was rare whenever they had a moment but whenever they did they would always feel a spark ignite. The both of them looked up and saw a shooting star at the same time, the both of them closed their eyes and made a quick wish. As soon as they made a wish they looked at each other and smirked.

"What did you wish?"

"What did you wish?"

The both of them asked at the same time making each other's eyes widened. Y/n pouted as she punched Ikuya on the arm softly and looked away.

"I can't tell you, idiot! Or else the wish won't come true!"

Y/n pouted as Ikuya sighed and nodded his head, y/n looked down at the pool and sighed softly as she shook her head.

"I might as well tell you since it's never going to come true anyway... I wished that I could swim with all of you guys in a relay race."

Y/n told Ikuya taking him back a bit, he started to snort a bit and began to laugh at the wish y/n had made. She frowned as she stood up and kicked him into the pool, tears began to pool up in her eyes.

"I knew I should've never told you!"

Ikuya grabbed y/n's leg and dragged into the pool making her squeal a bit, she swam to the top as she glared at Ikuya with hair sticking to her face. Ikuya sighed as he shook his head and flicked y/n on the forehead.

"I'm not laughing at your wish, idiot. I just thought it was cute..."

Ikuya told y/n as he looked away blushing a bit, y/n began to blush as she realized what he said. She couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach as she thought about Ikuya calling her cute. She looked away and swam towards the edge, before she could get out Ikuya grabbed her hand and smiled at her softly.

"I promise I'll make it happen one day."

Ikuya told y/n as he held a pinky out, y/n blushed a bit as she smiled softly and wrapped her pinky around his. She felt happy knowing that someone cared about the way she felt.

"You better!"

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book! Part 2 of this chapter will come out next!! Thanks for reading guys! Love ya!!! ❤️ thank you to itzkidsushi

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