Chapter 19

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 Riley’s POV

 ‘You can’t dance’ Sophie said firmly.

 ‘I can, else you will have to forfeit’ I said.

 ‘That doesn’t change anything’ Sophie snapped.

 ‘It’s Superstar dance with Danielle’

 ‘I still want to win but I don’t want you getting hurt’

 ‘Soph, I’ve done much worse. I’ll be fine just can someone get me some medical tape’ I asked clearly ending the conversation.

 Someone must have already had some because three seconds later I had some. I had a lot of practise at taping knees so it didn’t take me long. I was about to stand up when my phone rang. It was Thomas but I decided to answer anyway.

 ‘This is Riley Daniels, please start ranting’ I said in a cool tone.

 ‘You disappear without telling me?’ he asked.

 ‘Clearly, did you know where I was until Brent told you?’ I asked teasing him.

 ‘You can’t do that. What happens if something happens?’ he asked.

 ‘Lots of people know I am here’

 ‘Well I don’t and that is who matters’

 I hung up. I couldn’t be bothered dealing with him.

 Danielle came up to us leading her team. They were all wearing exactly the same thing. Black tracksuits with red writing and black converse. The back had Superstar dance writing in big writing. The front then had their name plaster across their chest.

 ‘Worried you might forget your name? Is that why it is plastered across the chest?’ I teased.

 ‘Ha, ha. I came to ask if you are going to be dancing later.’ Danielle asked.

 ‘Of course I am, I’d never waste the chance to beat you’ I sneered

 ‘But you aren’t. I have seen your routine and I know ours is better’

 ‘Apart from the fact we re-choreographed it after you left. I can tell you it is about trees hanging above the clouds’

 ‘That is stupid’

 ‘So are you but I don’t say anything do I?’

 ‘We will see you later’ Danielle smirked.

 She led the team away and the second she did we all cracked up laughing.

 ‘Did you see her face?’ Sophie laughed.

 ‘I can’t believe you managed to do that with a straight face’ Alicia laughed.

 Superstar dance was up first. Danielle was the focus of the dance. It was about this celebrity that is being stalked by the paparazzi. It looks good and they are in unison but the choreographing is poor. The moves are really simple and basic so it is easy to all be together. When they finish they all walk off past us and Danielle smirks at us.

 ‘You ready?’ I asked.

 ‘Yes’ they all chorused.

 ‘Remember anyone that lifts me must be careful as I can’t be dropped’ I said.

 ‘Let’s show Superstar Academy who is better’ Peyton shouted as we ran onto the stage.

 Brent’s POV

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