Chapter 4

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Riley’s POV

‘We should go and visit Father’ Thomas said.

Luke, Thomas and I were in the games room after our game on Friday. It is Sunday afternoon now. So far we have won all five. Two were a blowout. Friday’s game was close, 29-27. There are still other teams in the region that haven’t lost yet and I think that we are playing on next week.

‘I’m not going’ I stated. Thomas should know that by now.

‘Riley, you have never been in two, nearly three year. He is your father’ Thomas snapped.

‘I don’t care. He isn’t my Father’ I said ending the discussion.

I know that Thomas will persist with it. I think that he has been twice. Once with Luke and once without. If it anything like last time he has already set a date and will spend all of everyday up to that date trying to convince me and I’m not budging.

Brent and I were the first ones to sit down at lunch time. Followed by Luke, Thomas and Michael.

‘Brent and Michael please help us knock some sense into Riley’ Thomas said.

‘What do you want?’ Brent asked.

‘I am trying to convince Riley to come with me and Luke to visit our Father’ he said.

‘Riley, you should go. You haven’t seen him in nearly three years, you said so yourself’ Brent said.

‘You can say that. They don’t even know the whole story’ I snapped.

‘Well, how about you explain’ Thomas said icily.

‘I was the one that was against him in court. I was the one that found everything to prove the fact that he murdered our Mother. Unfortunately I couldn’t get the evidence to get him for the other two murders’ I snapped.

‘So are you coming?’ Luke asked.

‘Do you think that I want to come?’ I snapped.

‘Too bad. I am forcing you to come’ Thomas said.

‘So you asked me but I am going to have to visit the son of a bitch that murdered my Mother and…’ I snapped before trailing off.

‘Who else did he kill?’ Thomas asks using a tone that indicated that he doesn’t believe Riley.

‘I can’t say. You wouldn’t believe me anyway’ I said and got up and walked away. I wasn’t sure where I was heading. I ended up sitting in the grandstand. Luke sat down beside me.

‘I’m sorry I couldn’t help you’ he said.

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