Chapter 3

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Kelsey’s POV
I saw that the Football list was up. I really want to know you the Captain is because as the Head Cheerleader I am expected to date him. I glance at the list. Thomas Wright is the captain again. We dated briefly last year but I was really hoping that it would be Luke because I really want to date him. I saw that Riley’s name was on the list. I saw her outside her locker so I headed over.

‘I see that Phoebe has run away’ I teased.

‘You can see her when we play Eastern Side School next’ she snapped.

‘See you later bitch’ I smirked and headed toward my first class which is Gym.

I found out that Riley, Luke and Thomas are all in my gym class. They were gathered together with another boy that must be on the team. He had light brown hair but I couldn’t see his eyes. Coach Edwards walked in and a groaned. Coach Edwards actually makes everyone work and it usually involves running. I cheer, not run.

‘Start with eight laps around the gym’ he smiled.

All the cheerleaders groan. The most we ever do is one length and that isn’t very often.

Riley and Luke are the first ones off. I know that I will never be able to keep up with them so I decided to run at my own pace. There are a couple of other cheerleaders in this group so I run with them. Lilly and Tasha are my closest friends and Tasha is the co-captain for our cheerleading squad. I am really close to all the cheerleaders’ bur Tasha and Lilly are my closest.

Riley and Luke were laughing together when I finished. I felt a twang of jealously. I can’t believe that she could be so easy and confident around him but whenever I go talk to him I stammer and I forget what I am trying to say and that I am the most confident person in the school.

I’m studying Luke. When he is talking to Riley you can see his eyes light up. I don’t think that he realises his feeling for her so I have to get to him before he does.

‘Staring at Luke again?’ Tasha asks smirking.

‘I can’t help it’ I mutter as Coach calls us together.

When I walk into the cafeteria the first group I notice is the dance crew. They are the one group that I am actually jealous of. There are eight of them, three boys and five girls. They are really talented and they seem to get along really well.

I notice that Riley is sitting with all of the boys at lunch time. They are laughing and I can’t believe that they like her. She is boring with dark hair and eyes. I, meanwhile have blonde hair and brown eyes. My Mother is always telling me that I look like a supermodel and I use that to my advantage.

I walk over decided to ruin Riley’s day. When I reach her she turns around and stands up to talk to me.

‘What do you want?’ she snaps.

‘I was just wondering how many times you have fucked Thomas’ I smiled sweetly.

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