Chapter 10 - Intentions

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Chapter 10

Professor Snape sat across from Headmaster Dumbledore as they sipped on the bourbon that the latter produced after searching through the numerous items that filled the
shelves of his room. He blew a thick layer of dust off the ancient-looking bottle and poured them both a generous drink in their goblets.
Severus raised his brow in appreciation after taking a first taste of the robust liquor.
"Special occasion, Albus?" Severus asked, unaware of how long it had been since he and Dumbledore had shared a drink.
"You tell me, Severus," Dumbledore asked in return. "Is there a special occasion that we could raise our glasses to?"
Severus thought there was a look of humor in his eyes and answered in a surly voice, "None that I can possibly imagine."
Dumbledore took another slow sip, then leaned forward to set down his glass before adopting a more serious tone, "What are your intentions, Severus?"
Severus began to open his mouth in reply, not yet meeting Dumbledore's gaze, and wisely thought better than to feign ignorance and answer the question with a question. He was distinctly aware that not much got past the Headmaster of Hogwarts, and he knew Sirana was the subject of his inquiry. Despite the gravity of the question, his words hung in the air.
"Intentions..." Severus repeated, staring off at some far point in the room, but not really seeing.
He leaned back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other, his casual pose contradicted by the intensity of his voice. "I have been presented with a mystery, and I feel that I must solve it." He brought his eyes back to Dumbledore's, perhaps looking for an answer.
Dumbledore spoke ominously. "You know that there is no path that is before you that would bring a favorable ending." He hesitated thoughtfully before continuing more gently,"You know it is beyond my position to ask you to make another sacrifice, as the time comes swiftly for each of us to give perhaps our last pound of flesh."
Severus sat his own half-empty glass next to Dumbledore's, looking at them for a moment before standing to leave. "I have long suspected that my flesh is not a sufficient offering, and if there is even a pound left of my soul, it will be the requisite recompence."
Dumbledore stood as if to dismiss Severus, but stepped towards him instead, standing only a breath away, and spoke above a whisper. "Perhaps, Severus, your soul has more value than you ascribe to it."
Severus closed his eyes and let his head tilt softly back, letting a breath out slowly.
Dumbledore continued, "I have found that, while it is true that life is rarely equitable, it is once and again known to be merciful."
When Severus finally opened his eyes, Albus was no longer present in the room.
Severus left the Headmaster's chambers in a pensive mood, brooding on the unfortunate events that had recently transpired at Hogwarts as he walked through its familiar halls. He was keenly aware of the growing threat of the Dark Lord, and he had been tasked by Albus Dumbledore to strengthen the Potter boy's mind against the Dark Lord's, which seemed dangerously intertwined. Harry Potter was a constant reminder of his painful past; however, he was also the only real tie he had left to his dear Lily.
Severus had already begun the lessons with Potter, so far finding the power of Occlumency to be out of the boy's capacity to fully grasp. He did not, however, intend to disappoint Dumbledore's expectations of either of them.
Severus was pulled from his thoughts as he spotted the trio of students, who always seemed to be inseparable, and they appeared to be up to something. Harry Potter approached him while the other two students, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley looked on timidly. "Professor Snape, I was wondering if you could help us with something," Potter said.
"Yes?" Severus drawled, immediately suspicious of what they could possibly need his assistance with.
"You see, we've been trying to work on something," Harry Potter said, and Severus was immensely curious as to what they would possibly need that they would come to him in particular. Perhaps his time working with the Potter boy on Legilimency and Occlumency had bolstered their trust in him.
"Yes?" Severus drawled out even longer, waiting for the boy to get to the point of his inquiry.
"As you know, Professor Lupin taught us about the Patronus Charm, and we were hoping you might have some insight...for those who might find it...difficult to cast a Patronus," Potter said, as if it pained him to have to ask.
Severus thought about the request. Even as an undeniable master of potions, his current position as Potions Professor did not take full advantage of his invaluable expertise in other areas. Severus had always had a predilection for Dark Arts defense, and the question that Harry Potter now posed only worked to validate Severus's certainty that he should have been rightly granted the position of Defense Against Dark Arts Professor long ago.
"First and foremost, one must avail oneself of a powerful memory," Severus said, looking to see each of them staring at him wide-eyed, as if hanging on his every word. He continued, trusting that they were indeed interested in the value of his lesson, "Secondly, the memory must be a happy memory...the happiest you can conjure from your young lives. Thirdly, you must allow this memory to fill you, to suffuse your mind, to pervade your entire being. Lastly, you must combine this with the proper use of your wand and the appropriate incantation... which I am certain Professor Lupin provided you with."
Severus said the last part with a hint of a sneer, knowing Professor Lupin to have very different teaching techniques than his own. "Perhaps when you have the opportunity, I can instruct you in the finer points," Severus said, his eyebrow raising inquisitively.
"Thank you, Professor Snape, I think we've got it from here," Harry Potter said, and Severus was again reminded of Harry's resemblance to his father, James, and how both seemed to share an unfounded pretentiousness about themselves. Severus silently hoped that he could instill a bit of humility in his lessons with Harry Potter, and perhaps help him to avoid the same arrogance that Severus believed to contribute to the unfortunate fate that befell Harry's father. As Severus watched the three of them go on their way, talking to each other as if his lesson had held the key to their lives, his thoughts turned to Sirana, hoping wistfully that she held the key to his own.

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