Ch. 1: Spawning In

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Thank you so much for clicking on my story! This is my first time really using Wattpad, as I've only written for AO3, Fanfict and Quotev before, so please bare with me. Enjoy the story!


Freezing cold. That's the first thing I remember. A cold so deep that I could feel it in my bones. So sharp that my eyes immediately shot open in alarm.

It was ice cold water. I was submerged in water so cold that I gasped, the cold liquid flooding into my mouth and down my throat. Stabbing at my body and burning my throat without mercy.

Panic settling in, I thrashed in the water frantically. Twisting around to find a way out. It came in the form of light above me. I swam frantically towards it, lungs burning in protest to the water invading me.

Air never felt as good as that moment when I broke the surface.

Gulping the air greedily, I looked around me. How did I end up in a pond? How did I wake up in a pond?

It seems that I'd somehow ended up in the middle of a pond. How I got there, I don't know. Swimming for the shore while still coughing out water, I crawled out onto the grass.

It felt so good to be back on solid ground.

Spitting the last of the water out onto the damp ground beneath me, I sat up to look around.

I seemed to be in a small valley. Hills surrounded it, closing it off and dotted with trees here and there. Literally inches from my face, the grass was overgrown and unkempt.

Wherever I was, it didn't seem like there was anyone else here. So how did I end up in the pond?

My eyes snapped to my right when a loud clucking broke the once quiet of the pond. Not more than a foot from me stood a chicken, staring back at me with its beady black eyes.

How did I not see it before? Was it always there?

The chicken clucked at me a few more times before walking off, pecking at the ground every few inches before disappearing into the tall grass.

Where am I?

"Hello???" I called out as I stumbled to my feet, water dripping from my hair into my eyes and blotting the lush green landscape around me.

The only answer I got in response to my shout was another series of clucks from the chicken. Wherever it wandered off to in the tall grass.

Wiping the water from my eyelashes and brushing my still soaked hair out of my face, I sighed.

What am I supposed to do? I don't know where I am, there's no one around. What do I do now?

Wherever this is, I'm alone and will have to figure out a plan. Still freezing from the icy water, at least the warmth of the sun shining down from above on my chilled skin was a gentle comfort.

I need to figure out a plan. But first, I need to get out of this little valley. The furthest from this pond, the better.

Making my way away from the pond, I started climbing up the hill and out. Halfway up, the clucking began again. The chicken had made its way out of the grass after me.

Well... It's better than being completely alone in this place.

I tripped halfway up the hill, slamming down into the tall grass. I nearly screamed when it disappeared beneath my fists. Stumbling back, what looked to be seeds floated inches from the ground in front of me.

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