Chapter Five

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Jason's p.o.v

I sat outside of Miley's house patiently waiting for Jeremy to arrive. Miley stood outside and waited with me. As soon as she mentioned Jeremy's name, I knew where this was leading too. Miley had tried to talk to me while we waited but I didn't want to hear her or anyone for that matter.

Jeremy's car pulled into the driveway just as the sun was starting to set. I quickly stood to my feet and Miley did the same. Jeremy climbed out of his car with a frustrated looked and walked steadily towards me.

"Jason, Miley" He nodded as he approached. "What is going on?" He asked. His expression said he already knew but he was playing dumb.

"You tell me, Jeremy" Anger dripped off my words. I didn't regret it and I knew that I wouldn't.

"You told him," He said looking at Miley. Anger drove through him. I didn't understand why he was anger at her.

"No," She snapped. "I told you at the warehouse that I wasn't going to walk on fucking egg shells all because this is a touchy subject for both Jason and you. You should have told him already, it has been three fucking days." She spat. Obviously pissed that he put her in this position. It was hot seeing her so angry. Damn.

"Excuse me, but this isn't your job. It's mine." He retorted. It seems that comment only pissed her off even more. She was now standing right in front of him. I stood to the side and crossed my arms while I watched them go at it with one another.

"No, you don't get to pull that shit. I up-rooted my life in New York, my whole team did to come here and save your ass. I will not be treated like this. I did my job. I made my product and sold it, just like I always do. Don't you dare pin this on me and don't you dare forget that you are not the one in charge here." She barked.

"Oh fuck you," He said pushing her back. She stumbled and fell into my chest. I helped her steady herself and pulled her behind me before she could react.

"That's enough, Jeremy. Tell me and tell me now before I fucking lose my cool." I said standing in his face. I had a short fuse and considering that I was already pissed, he better not try to make it worse.

"Fine," He sighed yet his anger still remained. I turned around to see Mileys whole gang standing on the porch with concerning looks on their faces. Miley was fuming and it was good thing that I was blocking her from attacking Jeremy.

"I got word a few weeks back." He started as I looked back at him. "Derek is back. He teamed up with Maximus Cyrus. He is gunning for you. They seem to think that taking the Canada territory will help expand their business, internationally. Derek would obviously lead this territory." He said with a sigh.

"You told me Derek was gone, you said he was dead." I snapped.

"I couldn't kill him, he is my son." Jeremy reasoned his feelings were tearing him a part and I had no pity for him.

"And look where he put you. You're fucking scum Jeremy. You lost your leadership and you lost your territory because of him." I spat. I was both upset and disappointed at Jeremy. He knew that Derek wouldn't leave without a fight. It was his idea to kill him and yet he failed.

"I know," He shook his head. "But he is my blood. You can't kill your own blood." Jeremy looked at me with pleading eyes.

"I should fucking end you." I snarled at him. I was furious and it took me everything not to lunge at him.

"Jason, I'm sorry." He apologized but I didn't find it sincere enough. I lunged towards him before being pulled back.

"Stop," Miley snarled. Slamming me against the wall with the help of one of her men.

"I would love to watch you beat him up, hell I might just do it myself but I can't let you do that." She sighed looking at me. Her eyes were cooling and peaceful. I was angry but looking into her eyes I was able to calm myself down.

"I hope you are happy, Jeremy. This could have gone differently." She said looking at him.

"I find it pretty interesting that you don't mind pushing around a women but you can't kill your own blood when he has done you wrong." She pushed. He was upset, more upset then I was at the moment. He didn't like the idea of a women telling him what to do, let alone throwing his failures in his face.

"How about we go into the house and continue this conversation." Miley suggested turning to me. I pushed her men off me before glaring at Jeremy.

"Oh, Jeremy you aren't invited." She looked at him before walking in the house. I quickly followed behind her. I liked when she was sassy yet I didn't like when she was sassy towards me.

"Are you hungry, or thirst?" She asked as I followed her into the living room.

"No," I stated coldly. I sat down on the couch. I didn't know what I was going to do and my mind was racing with all of the information I had just gotten.

"You alright?" One the guys asked Miley.

"I'm fine," She brushed it off. "I'd like to talk to Jason alone." She said. The guys quickly shuffled out of the room.

"I'm sorry you had to find out that way. I had hoped Jeremy would have told you sooner." She shook her head.

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes. Typical Jeremy.

"So you can roll your eyes and I can't roll mine?" She laughed referring to our conversation earlier.

"I can do whatever I want." I retorted. Glaring at her.

"Whatever," She shrugged. I shook it off not wanting to get more pissed then I already was.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"We have a mutual friend, Lewis." She started. "He asked me to come out here and maybe help you." She said, treading lightly.

"You know Lewis?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah. He is a contact and client of mine. A good friend." She shrugged.

"He buys from you?" I asked. Lewis was the most stubborn, mean, arrogant, and sexist man in the business.

"Yes," She nodded.

"Interesting," I shook my head. It was surprising that he would buy from her. He had a reason for everything he did. His tactics and strategies are unbelievable. He was the most respected man in this business.

"Maximus, my father, I know how he ticks. I know him." She smiled devilishly. There was something about this girl that...I was intrigued by.

"What do you want in return?" I asked.

"At the moment, I don't want or need anything. Obviously I will need paid for my expenses. I may need to call in a favor later down the road." She shrugged. She wanted to be an ally, a contact and I wasn't sure if I could be tied to her.

"I can stay here until this is over. I'd like to be involved. Lewis asked me to offer my services and considering we are dealing with my father...I would love to work with you on this." She offered.

"I don't know. I don't work with girls." I was unsure if I could trust her or let alone work with her.

"Girls? I'm not a girl, I am a women. There is a major different between a fucking school girl and a women." She spat. Fuck. Her tone was seductive but I don't think she noticed or even cared.

"This is a lot to take in all at once." I pinched the bridge of my nose. I was frustrated and upset.

"Okay, my team and I will give you some time. Let me know by tomorrow. If you don't want our help then we will head back to New York." She nodded.

"I will get back to you soon." I stood from my chair and headed back to my mansion. I needed to think this over and talk to my guys about this. I also needed to call Lewis.

((Please comment and vote. I would love some feedback. xoxo))

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