Chapter eight: Here comes Santa clause.

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A vibrant red plane was seen from few residents down below zooming swiftly across the sky. On it a two tailed fox was in control as two hedgehogs sat on a separate wing each.

Shadow was slightly on edge for sitting on the planes wing but sonic stood on his with his hands behind his head.

The beard annoyed the blue hero a few times but otherwise he didn't have any complaints.

"We're here"! Tails called to the others.

Sure enough he began to land the plane on a vast mountain that held a very distinctive sign. The front of the mountain had a moustached round goggled face to show the entrance of the base.

Once landed the three heroes had safely gotten off the plane they warily walked into the base. At a slight crouch they kept their ears open for any sound.

"Ho ho ho"!

On instinct sonic curled up into a ball and revved himself up to give the owner of the voice a spin dash.

"It's okay faker. It's not eggman". A low voice reassured.

Sonic unravelled himself to look up and see a round jolly looking figure. Even though he wore a very well known villains clothes.

"My boy that looks quite dashing on you". Santa complemented and gave a hand to the wide mouthed hero.

Sonic took his hand and quickly shut his mouth when he saw his little brother give a sign to close it.

"Well I'll's a pleasure to meet ya Santa". Sonic choked in amazement.

Santa shook his hand before looking to the outdoors.

"I'm guessing you three are on a mission to save Christmas hmm"?

"Well...we can't let eggman win". Tails responded taking a small step forward.

"Then you'll need the children's presents". The large man replied with a smile.

So, he showed them to the mountainous piles of gifts before sonic and shadow got to work with loading them onto the tornado.

Not to mention Santa's sack helped tremendously with being able to hold them all some how.

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