21. Mafia in Miami |Special Bonus Chapter|

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Adalyn's Point of View

Four hours ago, I was so sure that Luca was bluffing.

Now, however, I found myself inside his private jet heading toward Miami.

Why the h*ll was it vital to travel around the country just to swear under omertà or whatever Catalina said it was called?

I'm sure if it was highly important they could've done it back at Veronica's place.

Or the remains of her destroyed home, that is.


Luckily Damien and my mom were still in New Orleans and wouldn't be back until a week from now. So, the chances of them finding out were looking slim. I didn't try to worry about it too much though.

The same couldn't be said for my friends.

To go on this very optional trip, they had to come up with several credible lines up their sleeve.

Enough for their parents to not suspect they were flying out of state.

The lovely and handy (at times) lines of lies could potentially get us into trouble if caught.

Despite everything that happened a few hours ago, there was a bit of excitement that filled my body.

The only problem: I couldn't help but shake this uneasy feeling inside of me.

I could only hope my gut feeling wasn't right this time.


The Night Before

"Mamá (Mom)!" Ariana called out. "Dónde estás (Where are you)?!"

"Estoy en la cocina con Natalia (I'm in the kitchen with Natalia)," she responded. "I'll come to you. Give me a quick second."

"I can't believe that I'll be lying to her," she rebuked, sighing at us.

"Like we have a choice," Summer suspired. "Catalina threatened us in the nicest possible way."

"Well shiver me timbers and call me Nancy. How considerate of her!" Ariana voiced sarcastically. "Let's just hope that my mom doesn't find out because she won't hesitate to use her chancla on me."

"What's a "chancla"?" Summer questioned.

"Trust me. You don't want to know," she murmured.

"None of us like this," I finally spoke. "But we don't have a choice, do we? I went ahead and opened my big mouth. I can't take it back now."

"Umm, I don't know," Ariana said in deep thought. "Catalina did give us some pretty good tips on how to get away with murder."

"So, are you suggesting we kill her now?" Summer thought. "Wife of a powerful Italian mafia leader?"

"Exactly!" she burst, a huge grin forming on her face. "They won't see me coming."

"It's quite the opposite actually." I gave her a look. "YOU won't see THEM coming. It's a d*mn mafia for crying out loud. They have eyes where they aren't supposed to."

"Who does?" Elena queried, coming from the kitchen.


If they were to find out that I mentioned their business to anyone, Catalina's threat would mean much more.

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