33. Risky Business

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Adalyn's Point of View

There was something about stepping out of the plane and feeling that warm Los Angeles air that made me miss it.

One thing I love about California is the weather. I often found myself at the park, book in hand, while sitting on a bench where I could enjoy the sun's warm gaze.

It is a change from the bloody rain back in England. Not that I'm complaining, of course. I, sometimes, find it rather comforting.

Closing the curtains to create a dark setting in the room, drinking hot cocoa, and putting on some of your favorite films; seems like a good day to me.

The sun makes me feel all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Or in other words; vigorous and content.

It's funny, isn't it? How a place that I once thought could never compare to home was my actual home. A place where my friends became family in a blink of an eye. I can't be ignorant of the people with whom I encircle myself either.

Or the people who hurt me, unfortunately.

Ariana and Summer are total opposites of me but that's what I love about them.

Ari radiates this confidence I wish I had.

Summer —innocent as always— brings peace and positivity into my life.

Now, she is truly the definition of sunshine and bliss.

Apart from Ari's air of self-assurance, there was this buoyancy in Summer's nature that I lacked too.


January 6th, 2020 (Monday)

Now that our winter break had come to an end, we were back on a regular schedule.

Not much had changed since the end of the first semester.

Only the atmosphere felt bleak and somber.

The weather combined with the many students here wasn't making a team effort in the 'Wildcats School Spirit' department.

Or what they like to call "WSS."

Whenever they say 'WSS,' I think of the shoe warehouse that's located across the street from the school.

I don't think that I'll get used to that abbreviation.

Ari wasn't back from her trip to Mexico so I took the bus.

And Summer texted me before the first period to ask if I could meet her by the bleachers.

Today wasn't a field day whatsoever, so I agreed to meet her before English.

Two weeks pretty much translated to two years in our world.


"Not again!" I gasped while quickly moving my hands to cover my eyes. "Twice. Twice I've had to be a witness of something so revolting."

"Sh*t," Melissa muttered. Then in a low tone that I was still able to figure out, she went on. "A*shole. You said that no one came out here at this time."

Making my way to the bleachers, which were located at the far end of campus, there were these strange and disturbing mutterings that appeared to be a bit familiar.

Turns out it was two individuals that I recognized very well who were hiding below them.

Melissa and Toby were back at it again.

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