Chapter 35 - At the hospital

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"Hello Everyone. My name is Dr. Torres," said the female physician.

"Hi....Hello...," said the crowd sporadically.

Dr. Torres went through the list of symptoms Crystale had. They included vomiting, nausea, dizziness, fatigue and weakness. They also discussed her diet.

"Well, I need to conduct a pelvic exam now," said the doctor.

"I'm out...see ya," said Mauricio and Bynum respectively.

The girls laughed as they exited the room.

Then, the door swung back open. It was Wyatt. He had flowers in hand.

"What are you doing here?" said Carla viciously.

"I told him to come, Carla. They need to talk. Come on," said Lola making everyone else get out the room.

Wyatt thanked her as she closed the door behind them.

"Is it okay that he's here, Crystale?" asked Dr. Torres.

"Yes. He can stay, doctor. Thank you."

Dr. Torres discovered some very light spotting while checking her and didn't want to take any chances. So, Crystale's nurse was buzzed in to draw blood and get a urine sample. He also hooked her up to an IV per doctor's orders. According to her symptoms, it sounded like Crystale was dehydrated. So, Dr. Torres ordered fluid replenishment.

Since they had to wait for the lab results before doing the ultrasound, they had time to talk.

"Hi," said Wyatt trying to feel her out.

She didn't respond. She looked the other way. He walked over by the window and grabbed the chair. He pulled it right beside her and sat down.

"These are for you," he said trying to hand her the flowers.

Crystale didn't budge. So, he laid them next to her.

"I'm so sorry, Crystale. And I don't blame you if you never talk to me again. I messed up...and bad. But you need to know why I lost it when you told me you were pregnant. And I know it doesn't excuse my behavior, but hopefully it will clear up my reasoning for it."

Crystale just looked at him and started crying. Wyatt's eyes teared as he wiped her tears. He told her that he loved her and the baby. He really wanted to be a part of their lives, but his reaction to her pregnancy wasn't because he didn't want one. It was the total opposite. He wanted one so bad. He wanted to get married and have a family. He'd do anything to have that. However, he flashed back to a time when he'd heard those same words and was shown that same stick to only be disappointed because it was a lie. He couldn't handle that kind of disappointment again.

Wyatt told her the story.

Wyatt dated this woman named Tammy. They were together for almost a year. He thought things were getting pretty serious between them. So, he expressed his desire to have a family and get married. She assured him she was ready and wanted the same thing.

One day, she went to his house and did exactly what Crystale did. She opened her purse and pulled out a home pregnancy test. It showed positive. He immediately proposed and she accepted. They went shopping for her engagement ring, bought her a brand new car and his parents even purchased them a family home. He was setting up their new life.

Then, he started noticing things. She wasn't displaying any signs of pregnancy like sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, cravings, crying...nothing. Her doctor appointments always seemed to fall on days he had to be in court. So, he couldn't go with her. He never saw the paperwork confirming her pregnancy either. And he worried about her working and going to school too much. But the biggest and obvious suspicion was she had no baby bump after several weeks.

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