Chapter 43 - Esteban's day in Court

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It was Mauricio's birthday, but it was also his parents' final divorce hearing. Mauricio and Lola flew to New York to be with Esteban. They knew how hard it'd be for him and didn't want to leave him alone. EJ also went to support his father.

It had been a real war between the couple and their attorneys. Maritza was determined to take everything Esteban had, but he had other plans.

Maritza went first in court. She testified that Esteban should support the lifestyle she was accustomed to living and demanded spousal support. She tried to prove Esteban's worth by providing his accounting firm's bank statements and company records. It was the justification she needed to fund her desired spousal support. She also advised the court of his investments.

Esteban's attorney provided the court with old and current company records. The company hadn't made the kind of money she was insinuating. Also, his investments hadn't produced much because of the downturn in the economy. He showed proof of how the company actually lost money. The profits from his investments that she spoke about were spent on remodeling their home, her new car and the shopping sprees she went on. He also donated to his favorite charities. He provided receipts for everything. So, he wasn't worth what she claimed.

Then, Esteban testified.

First, he proved that Maritza had an investment portfolio that was worth a little something. However, she jumped up to explain how she'd made bad investments and lost the money. Her attorney provided the current statement.

Next, Esteban provided evidence of her purchasing two homes in the Dominican Republic with his money and without his knowledge. Again, she intervened. She admitted she bought them, however one was for her mother and the other was a vacation home for the family. He thought she might say that. So, his attorney entered into evidence the proof that she'd purchased the vacation home to generate income. And she hadn't contributed one dime of it to the family. His attorney also entered into evidence proof that she'd been hiding money in three offshore accounts. She tried denying it, but couldn't.

After that, Esteban told the court about her secret stash of jewelry in a bank safe deposit box. He provided photos of all the pieces and the registration card of the box. She explained that Esteban bought them for her and wanted to keep them in a safe place. However, he denied buying any of it and showed the court where, how and when she purchased that jewelry.

Then, he got dirty. His attorney provided evidence of her infidelity throughout their marriage. She denied everything, but couldn't after Esteban's attorney summoned five of the many men she'd slept with. She paid them, bought them things and traveled with Esteban's money. They all told the court how she bragged about using him for his money. She even purchased a brownstone in Brooklyn for one of them. Esteban's attorney provided the evidence of how she purchased it. He also provided statements of her spending habits with these men.

And to drive everything home, Esteban shared Mauricio's DNA results with the court. He took care of a child that wasn't biologically his for almost thirty years and she knew it. She lied to him and showed the court Mauricio's original birth certificate registered in the Dominican Republic. He told the court how and why suspicions were even raised for him to perform the DNA test. She had nothing to say.

Each attorney gave closing statements and re-iterated how they wanted the assets split.

Esteban wanted his divorce finalized with no spousal support awarded. He wanted to sell their Park Avenue home and keep the proceeds. The vacation home and her mother's home in D.R. should be awarded to him. She should sell her investment portfolio and split the profits since the initial money came from him. He wanted to keep her secret jewelry stash. The money in the three off-shore accounts should be returned to him. She could keep her car. All accounts and debt they had together should be dissolved and separated. And she should pay him the current market price of $2 million for the brownstone in Brooklyn or it would be turned over to him.

Maritza disagreed. She wanted the divorce with her maiden name restored, spousal support of $25,000 per month and the Park Avenue penthouse with all monthly expenses paid. The vacation home in D.R. should be awarded to her and her mother should keep her home in D.R. Since there wasn't much left in her investment portfolio, she agreed to sell and split the proceeds. She wanted to keep her jewelry. The three accounts should be divided as follows: the smallest account to EJ, the second smallest account to Mauricio and the largest account for herself. She wanted to retain all of her personal belongings and gifts that she acquired over the years in the marriage. And she wanted Esteban was to pay her legal fees.

After deliberating, the judge came back with some harsh words for Maritza. He told her that she had no scruples and what she'd done to Mr. Hernandez was an injustice. The judge went on to tell her that Mr. Hernandez had been a good provider, father and husband. He did everything he was supposed to do for his family.

The judge then ruled in favor of Esteban. The following was effective immediately:

The divorce was granted and her maiden name was restored. No spousal support was awarded. The Park Avenue penthouse was to be vacated within 30 days and sold with a 50-50 split between Maritza and Esteban. The vacation home in the Dominican Republic was to be sold. Esteban, Maritza, Mauricio and EJ would each receive 25% of the proceeds since she mentioned it was for the family. Her mother had five days to return the purchase price of the home or it would be retained by Esteban. Her investment portfolio was to be sold and split 50-50 between her and Esteban. Maritza's three off-shore accounts would be split as follows: EJ was awarded the smallest amount of $401,500; Mauricio received the second smallest amount of $995,500; and Esteban received the largest amount of $2.5M. Esteban was awarded the secret jewelry stash, since he pretty much bought it all, however she was able to keep her personal belongings and gifted items during the marriage, including her car. The judge ordered that all accounts and debt they had together be dissolved and separated. The cash in their current bank account was to be split 50-50. She was responsible for paying her own legal fees. And the judge ordered the purchase price of $1.2 million for the brownstone in Brooklyn be returned within fourteen days or the brownstone would be turned over to Esteban as well.

Esteban was elated. Justice had finally been served. His kids hugged and congratulated him with excitement. However, Maritza was pissed and stormed off.

Esteban went back to his attorney's office to do all the necessary paperwork to unfreeze his accounts. Lola texted Darlene to go ahead with the plans Esteban had in place. Maritza's attorney immediately placed a lien on her assets until full payment was received.

Meanwhile, Lola took Mauricio out to lunch for his birthday. They went to his favorite restaurant and then went shopping. She bought him lots of stuff and gave him the watch she purchased in Turks and Caicos.

That evening, Lola and Mauricio went to the Park Avenue home. It was time to face the music. Mauricio wanted to talk with his mom and clear the air, however she wasn't there.

Esteban had other plans. He went home to his new place. Darlene was there waiting.

"Hi," he said walking through the door.

"Well hello, Mr. Free Man," she said giving him a kiss.

Esteban was the official owner of a mansion on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It had five floors, two basements and an additional garden level. There were soaring ceilings, a spectacular marble staircase and grand-scaled rooms.

She took him on a tour of the main level, which was fully furnished thanks to her. Then, she went to the desk, took out the deed and gave it to Esteban for his new place. That was what Lola's text was about. The plan was for Darlene to make the final payment and have the property transferred into his name as soon as she received a text from Lola. He finally had a home to call his own.

They went upstairs to the third floor where his bedroom was. There were candles lit everywhere and champagne chilling. She went to change into something a little more comfortable. When she came out, he was tongue tied.

"You look so beautiful," he told her.

"Thank you."

They kissed and made out.

"I've waited so long for this," he said.

"Me, too."

They finally made love.

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