Chapter 38 - The Truth

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Mauricio and Lola were on their way to Lola's house. They were very happy. The party was a success and Lola even made some business deals. They talked about it all the way home. But they had no idea what was about to go down.

"Míja, is that you?" asked Ana as she heard the door.


Lola and Mauricio came around the corner. They were surprised to see them there.

"Papí...what are you doing here?" asked Mauricio.

"We need to talk to you both," said Esteban nervous.

"I know it's late, míja, but it can't wait," said Ana.

"Is everything ok, madrina?"

"No. No, it's not."

Lola immediately assumed bad thoughts. Her eyes began watering.

"What's wrong? Are you ok? What's going on? Madrina, talk to me! You're scaring me."

Lola was nervous and asked questions back to back.

"Lola...Mauricio...please sit down," said David.

"Padrino, is madrina ok? Did something happen? Is she gonna die?" asked Lola as tears fell from her face, scared at the thought of losing her too.

"No, Sweetheart. No one's gonna die," said David hugging her, trying to comfort her. "It's not like that. But what has to be said is important."

"What's going on, papí? What do you have to do with this? And why is everyone acting like something bad happened?" asked Mauricio getting worried.

They all felt bad about what was about to happen, but they had to tell them the truth.

"Míja, there are some things you need to know about your mom," said Ana reaching for Lola's hands.

"My mom?" asked Lola really thrown off.

"I don't know how to say this..."

"Madrina, habla ya!! Talk already," said Lola upset because of the procrastination.

Ana began from when she saw Lola wearing the black jewel. She explained it was one of the rarest black diamonds in existence. It was the only one of its kind with its shape and size. Ana recognized it because only one other person ever possessed it, that she knew of...her mother. Ana took a half ripped picture out of her purse and showed Lola. Lola was surprised to see it on her mom.

"Madrina, I don't understand," said Lola confused.

"Your father gave it to your mother as a gift. But after an argument, he took it back."

"So, how did you get it dad?" asked Mauricio.

Ana reached in her purse and slowly handed Lola the other half of the picture. Lola put them together and got a good look at her father. He resembled EJ.

"Papí, that's you! You have the same picture of yourself at the house," said Mauricio shocked.

"Yes, míjo. It's me," said Esteban.

"WHAT!!!!" said Mauricio and Lola jumping out of their seat.

Lola just shook her head side to side. "No! No way! My father's dead! You can't be him!" yelled Lola pacing the floor with a flood of tears rolling down her face.

"Papí, what the hell's going on? You're Lola's father? So, she's my sister?" yelled Mauricio pacing the floor too.

"It appears that way, mijo."

"How can this be? And you guys knew about this?" Mauricio questioned mad as hell.

"No! No one knew Lola was my daughter for certain until today. We just found out," said Esteban.

"But you acted like you didn't even know each other at the party," Lola told Ana.

"I had to be certain before saying anything, míja."

"But my dad's name is Náto, not Esteban."

"Turn the picture over, Míja," said Ana distraught and crying.

The back of the picture had "Amelia and Náto" on it.

"Madrina, you knew? You knew this whole time and never said anything to me. How could you? How could you do this to me?" questioned Lola getting louder.

"Lola, I didn't know he was your father 'til tonight," said Ana. "I swear."

"You're a liar! I don't believe you!" yelled Lola at the top of her lungs. "You still knew that my father might be alive and not dead!"

"I didn't know for sure what happened to him. But yes....I knew the possibility of him being alive existed," confessed Ana.

Then, she showed her the letter with the DNA results.

"And how did you get my DNA to do testing?" questioned Lola furious.

"I did it, Lola. I got samples of your hair the day I came over to....," Darlene started to explain.

"Tía, you knew about this, too?" asked Lola surprised. "And came to my house and stole from me! It was my hair! You had no right!"

"I'm sorry, Lola. But I was trying..." Darlene started to say again crying.

"You were trying to You thought if I knew the truth that I would grateful to you and run into my daddy's arms? HELL NO! He is the father of the man I'm madly in love with and SUPPOSED to marry! And now it turns out that I'm his child. So the man I'm in love with is my brother! Do you hear how that sounds? MY FUCKING BROTHER!!!" continuously yelled Lola.

"What I don't understand is how none of you said anything. Not a word. If you had suspicions, someone should've said something to us. Instead, ya'll continued to let us plan a wedding knowing she might be my DAMN SISTER!" yelled Mauricio angry, hurt and sad all at the same time.

Needless to say there were a lot of emotions running high in the room.

"Please let us explain," said Ana.

Lola threw her hands up.

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