The Enemy's Ambassador ⚜ Ch. 1

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Herr Rolf Steidl of The German Reich Arts Academy, year three - 17✧❈✧

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Herr Rolf Steidl of The German Reich
Arts Academy, year three - 17

Rolf wished they didn't have to do this. Walking down the hall with Queen Arinsal, he wished he were invisible. This was only drawing more attention.

"Right this way. Your first class is Government, yes?" the Queen asked.

He nodded. "Yes, your highness."

"Perfect. The bell is about to ring." She walked into the class as he held open the door, and all eyes turned to them.

The professor stood and inclined his head. "Ah, Queen Jocelyn, right on time."

"Professor Cervantes." Turning towards the class, she clasped her hands. With Rolf standing beside her, she began, "Students, I am here to introduce a student on a diplomatic mission. May I present the ambassador for the German Reich, Rolf Steidl."

Quiet gasps and murmurs crossed the room. There was a mix in expressions from apprehension to glares.

Just wonderful, he thought.

"Herr Steidl will be studying art and theatre with you this year, learning alongside the rest of the world in hopes of fostering peace. I expect all of you - especially as third years - to hold your heads high and reach out your hands just as you would to any other ambassador. There is nothing to be afraid of here. Remember your honour and dignity." She shook Rolf's hand and smiled. "Best of luck this year."

"Thank you, your highness."

The professor pointed to the last open seat. "Right then. Master Rolf, why don't you have a seat next to the Baron in the back."

He nodded and walked down the aisle, avoiding the looks that people gave him. He sat beside the noblewoman and pulled out his notebook, noticing that she didn't even look at him. At the head of the class, the Queen was saying something to Professor Cervantes. As they talked, the nobleman in front of him turned around in his seat.

"We don't believe in Nazism here," he hissed. "You can't influence us."

Rolf knew full well that he had to be careful of what he said. Shaking his head, he replied, "I am not a Nazi."

The nobleman pursed his lips and turned around just as the Queen walked past. Rolf nodded to her, and she offered one last encouraging smile.

The professor then stood. "Welcome class, to your third year at the Arts Academy. I am Professor Cervantes, your government teacher. In this class, I will help prepare you to enter the world as informed, responsible, and prepared leaders. If you would open your textbooks to page five, we'll begin the introduction. May I have a volunteer to read?"

Someone raised their hand. "I will professor." They stood and read the quote at the heading of the chapter. "'The best form of government is that which is most likely to prevent the greatest sum of evil.' United States President James Monroe.'"

"Thank you. Any thoughts on this?" the professor asked.

Boy what a mess of a system am I from, Rolf thought to himself.

The Baron beside him raised his hand. "There is a quote I learned last year that is similar. 'The care of human life and happiness is the first and only object of good government.' Together it tells us what any government should do, regardless of what system it follows. And so, seeing that so many of us will be the heads of governments ourselves, it tells us what we should be."

"Excellent, Baron. Thank you. Now if I could have the reader continue at chapter one."

Rolf stole a glance at the boy beside him, thinking how strikingly handsome he was with a darker complexion and lighter brown hair. But he quickly looked away. No, he couldn't do that here. Getting a boyfriend would be putting a target on his back, and anyone deserved to have a good last year at school.

When class was over, his curiosity got the best of him. Gathering their books, he looked back to the boy. "That was a good insight you made, Baron..."

He glanced to him briefly. "Yosef. Thank you." Quickly scooping up his bookbag, he left the class, and Rolf sighed.

Welcome to day one.

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