The Enemy's Ambassador ⚜ Ch. 2

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Rolf was most looking forward to his electives. It was difficult to appear threatening in photography or wearing tights on a stage speaking old English.

As he walked backstage getting to the practice theatre, he passed the costume rack. On it were beautiful handmade costumes, some with magic elements. He noticed a pair of wings that faintly fluttered on the wall.

Coming out onto a medium sized stage, he found the rest of the class. He sat in the back, catching a few people look back at him, recognizing him from earlier classes. He saw Yosef near the front.

The professor then came on stage and held out his hands. "Welcome, students, to the best arts school in the world. I am Professor Singh. This year I will help you explore literature, yourselves, and entire worlds. We will do daily improv practices, four plays, and attend a theatre festival - and competition - in Paris."

Rolf was eager to get going on it all. This is where he belonged, what he loved. The stage allowed him to be anything, anyone. It was freedom and excitement.

And it was a world apart from war and tyranny and hatred.

As class ended, he went back to look at the costumes, curious to know whether he'd ever wear these in particular. As he looked, he heard whispers from the other side of the curtain.

"So the Nazi is going into acting?"

"It's a bit frightening if you ask me. Learning how to lie..."

He bit his cheek and sighed. Why did this have to follow him here? When they started whispering about switching out stage props with real weapons, he left. It was amazing the places people would go out of blind fear.

He was about as dangerous as a house cat. If only he hadn't come from a world of tigers.

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