Champion ⚜ Ch. 8

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Laora was terrified as she prepared for the upcoming show. She practiced for hours upon hours with her best horses.

One day after a long practice, she was leading her horse back to the stables when she saw someone in the next corral jumping.

She paused at the fence to watch, her horse nibbling at the grass growing along the path. As she watched the rider, she soon realized that it was Luisa.

When she finished her run, she came over to the gate to see who was watching, and looked surprised. "Countess. You looked good over there. Your horse is a natural performer."

She nodded. "She is. And you two look good. Those are some high jumps."

She dismounted and stepped up to the fence. "We have some serious competition in Paris later this week. We need to be ready."

Laora raised her brows. "Paris? Are you competing in the European Equestrian Show?"

She nodded, stroking her horse's nose. "Yes. Is that where you're competing next?"

Laora nodded, glancing down. "Yes. This show is particularly important." Hesitating for a moment, she said, "I'm sorry for Aldrick the other day. You were only trying to help."

"I hope you're okay," she said quietly. "You looked really upset."

She sighed. "Let's just say that a lot is riding on this competition. For me and my family."

They were quiet for a moment, and Luisa nodded towards the stables. "Come on, why don't you introduce me to those horses of yours?"

"All six of them?" she smiled.

She shrugged. "Only if you don't mind meeting all two of mine."

She laughed and unlatched the gate for him. "Deal."

They started walking down the path, and Luisa looked over at her. "Since we'll both be there in Paris, how about we go together? Because sign-in is the day before, maybe we could go to dinner that night? Only if you wanted to, of course."

Laora nodded. "We might as well." After a moment she said, "And Luisa, thank you."

"What for?" she asked.

"For being so kind," she smiled. "It's nice to not have to be alone."

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