The Imperial Witch ⚜ Ch. 8

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The Magic Academy was known for going overboard when hosting balls, and Christmas especially was a chance to show off what magic could do. Faraja was in charge of seating and tables, and was busy at work directing volunteers.

"There's a box of ten chair covers over there, I need them to be taken to table six. And you, there's a tray of holly half-spheres on the floor behind you, I need one in the centre of each table. Where are my-"

"Faraja! Wow..."

She glanced back to see Valentina. "It's turning out nicely, isn't it? That frost spell was just the touch on the covers, and they're using it on the trees t-"

"It's beautiful. Really. But um, we have a problem. A very big problem," the wizardress said nervously.

Faraja furrowed her brow. "What, did they forget to bring the silver?"

"No no, it's my problem. But I don't know what to do, nothing's working..."

The princess tucked her pen behind her ear so she could put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Take a breath, Val. What exactly happened?"

The girl chewed her lip. "It went wrong. The potion. The one you told me not to do. I did it and now it's all a mess!"

Her stomach dropped. "A potion went wrong? How?"

With a huff, she explained, "Bain's a mindless kissing machine at the moment. He hardly even knows his own name! Medea and Samira are holding him back at the dorms. But who knows how long that will last..."

Faraja groaned. "Val... What do we do?"

"I don't know, but you have to help! The ball's in a few hours!"

"Yes... Okay, if they get the silver here soon I can show the volunteers how to wrap them and I can go. But even still, what could I do?"

There was desperation in the girl's violet eyes. "You're the best a potions Raja. Please, you have to help fix this!"

The witch sighed, seeing someone bring in her last boxes. "Fine. Give me seven minutes."

Valentina let out a breath. "Thank you, thank you!"

Pushing her back towards the doors, she said, "Now shoo. I'll meet you there."

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