Of Heart & Duty ⚜ Ch. 2

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At break, Sabrina found another acquaintance who had the power to make her blush. Together they sat down to half heartedly play chess.

"So, how's your first day been so far?" Zahir asked.

She watched him take one of her pawns. "Oh, just another round of classes."

He considered her as she contemplated her next move. "You should like Crownology and Art Theory, don't you think?"

"Yes, they'll be fun," she replied, trying to sound enthusiastic.

When it was his turn, he stopped and looked her in the eye. "Sabrina, something's off. What's up?"

She looked at him, wanting to avoid the truth, but he'd find out eventually. With a sigh, she confessed, "Duke Cervantes is here... and he's my betrothed."

Zahir sat a bit straighter, trying to hide the disappointment in his eyes. "Oh. When you said he was going to school..."

She scoffed. "I didn't think he was planning on being a professor at my school."

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

She could see the faint hope in his eyes. "He asked me to tea after classes are over," she volunteered quietly.

"Are you going?"

Sabrina nodded. "I have to go. I can't just stand him up."

He sighed. "You aren't really chained to him, right? I mean this is the 20th century, the king and queen would let you marry for love, right?"

She smiled and put a hand on his. "They trust me to make the right decision, whatever that may be." Standing, she moved closer to him, leaning down to kiss his cheek. "Thanks for the game."

He smiled and shook his head. "You're terrible at chess, you know."

"Oh hush," she grinned, going out the door.

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