The Enemy's Ambassador ⚜ Ch. 4

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Rolf discovered a restaurant in the village that had a whole room full of billiards tables. He often played with his father's military friends back home, and decided to go on a weekend.

As soon as the cab pulled up to the place, he realized what kind of people were likely there. The town of Vanera was small, so the chance of truly bad people living there was small, but this place looked darker and more intimidating than other places in the village.

Having come all this way, he decided to go in anyway. It might be a good break from spending every weekend in the dorms.

Going inside, he followed the signs to the billiards room and saw mostly other students there. They were all rather quiet, seeming like the edgy types. But he was used to that sort of vibe. Going up to their pool table, he saw that they were just starting a game.

"Mind if I join?" he asked.

The trio looked up at him, and one of them shrugged. "Sure."

Rolf got a stick and waited his turn. "So, what are your names?"

"I'm Nico," the tallest said. "This is Hyun, and my girlfriend Marit. And you are?"

"Rolf," he told them, getting ready to take his shot. He pocketed one of the stripes and Hyun grinned.

"Not bad. Aren't you that bloke from the Reich?"

He nodded, not wanting to say too much.

The others just nodded, not saying anything else. They finished the game in relative quiet, and Nico put on his jacket. "Good game everyone. Finally I got to lose," he smirked.

Rolf grinned and shrugged. "It's all in the wrist."

Helping put on Marit's jacket, Nico chuckled. "See you around Rolf."

He smiled. "See ya." The trio left, and he had the table to himself. With a bit more time to kill, he decided to play a game against himself.

After a while, a girl that had been flirting with the people at the next table over came to stand by his table. "You're Rolf Steidl."

Meeting her eye as he took a shot, he nodded. "Yes."

"I'm Cora." She stepped closer and put her hand on his. "Teach me?"

He could tell that she was bad news, but humoured her for a bit. He showed her how to shoot, and saw that she already knew what she was doing. "So, what brings you over here?"

She grinned enigmatically and put a hand on his arm. "I've always been fond of the dangerous type. Say, aren't you an actor?"

His brow was slightly furrowed. "Yes."

She ran her hand up to his chest."Me too. Say, we should go to Paris together. Maybe see an opera."

Rolf stepped back. "Maybe. I have to get going." He inclined his head, and got his hat, rather quickly leaving the place.

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