The Missing Crown ⚜ Ch. 15

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Faline looked between the piece of parchment and him. "How can you tear down what they've been building so painstakingly for the last ten years? A republic is what the people decided on."

"Yes, but they didn't know this was an option. Believe me, I've studied and searched just as much as my family and the others who want this to happen. This will be able to last. We - I can make more of a difference right from the start."

She looked away. "Are you sure this is about the people? Or is this more about making yourself a king? That's what your family wants. Power. Who will be there to check you if you go too far? And who comes after?"

Teyrn glanced at the spell in his hand. The gold lettering shone in the moonlight. It reminded him of the glowing words of the last test. A test of perception disguising a test of heart.

Once again he considered the future if he didn't cast the spell. He could join Faline and be a hire out wizard to royals. They would be happy. But what about his people back home? Would they really be properly taken care of by potentially corrupt elected officials? Then the thought struck him, how corrupt was he, really?

As he looked back to Faline, he saw a future he wanted to explore. If he cast this spell, it would push her away and he'd lose her forever. What was the right choice?

"What do I do," he whispered, conflicted.

"You know what's right. Follow your heart," she encouraged.

What if he did walk away from this? He knew his father would take spell to use it if he doesn't destroy it. The thought crossed his mind that perhaps no one in the modern world should be that powerful. The people made their decision of government, and they should be free to make their own choices - and mistakes.

Taking a deep breath, he held the ancient spell out over the flowing stream. There was a long pause as he deliberated. His hand trembled.

And then he let it go.

The parchment drifted down into the water, disintegrating in glowing streams of gold.

"I really hope I made the right choice..." he said quietly, his heart pounding. It was too late now.

Faline came up beside him and put a hand on his arm. Together they watched the glow fade and dissipate further down the stream. "Only you know that, Teyrn."

He sighed and leaned against the bridge railing. The music from the ball drifted softly out to them, and he smiled. "Come on. Let's go back to the dance."

She returned his smiled and nodded. "Ah, but first." Picking up his mask off the railing, she helped put it back on. "There."

She took his arm and they walked back down the path towards the castle. When they walked in, the Arinsals were announcing the triumphant return of the lost Princess of Aldovia.

"They could be announcing you as king. Are you alright with this decision?" Faline asked.

He sighed, seeing his mother's red hair in the crowd. "I'll deal with my family. What matters is I was true to my heart." He kissed her cheek and led her to the dance floor, where the music soon picked back up.

As they danced, her head resting on his shoulder, he smiled. Of all the magic he had studied, none was as sweet as this.


Thank you for reading and voting on the Royal Academy Diaries series! If you've gotten this far, it means you've been a loyal reader and I'm so grateful to you for that! Hopefully you had fun with this!

Keep reading for the final bonus story, where Princess Zaina will come face to face with the evil Queen that stole her throne.

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