𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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Dahlia was knocked out for a few hours, but woke up during the evening. Madam Pomfrey took care of her and told her to stay awake as she had a concussion. Dahlia layed in bed all night and when her friends saw her in the morning, the first thing she asked was;

"Is the egg okay?"

Everyone was confused as to why she asked that, when it was her that got knocked out. But the fact that Dahlia was okay, made people completely forget that she asked that question. Both Draco, Aleksander and Ivan were fussing over Dahlia as she layed on the hospital bed, her head was stinging quite a bit and the headache she was having was taking a toll on her mood. If one more person spoke, she would snap at them. But thankfully, Madam Pomfrey gave her a potion that made the headache go away.

Dahlia was informed that she was placed 2nd place, which she was happy about. However, she would have preferred first place, but whatevs.

After her headache went away, she was free to leave the hospital wing. So that's what Dahlia did. She changed into some new clothes and left with her boys clinging onto her like some puppies that had separation anxiety.

They entered the great hall and people were happy to see that Dahlia was okay, a first year student came running up to Dahlia and looked up at her before speaking.

"I'm glad you're okay, Miss Snape."

Dahlia smiled at this girls' cuteness and patted her head fondly before responding.

"Thanks, love."

The girl giggled and then ran off to the Hufflepuff table, Dahlia shook her head and sat at the Slytherin table with her boys still sat close to her. She noticed this and voiced it.

"You know, as much as I love the comfort, I'm not going to randomly get hurt. I'm fine."

The boys shrugged and ate their breakfast, the post had come and she got a letter from Narcissa, asking if she was okay and everything. Dahlia reminded herself to write back later.

As she was eating her breakfast, she glanced over at the Gryffindor table as people were laughing. What she saw made her laugh too. Ron had received a very... odd dress coat and a bonnet to match. Everyone burst into laughter when Ron realized that it was for him, and not Ginny. Dahlia smirked and wolf whistled when Ron held it up to see if it fit him.

She then listened to Hermione as she explained that they were dress robes, but Ron didn't know what it was for. As for Dahlia, she glanced at her father and caught his eye. She spoke in her mind.

"Yule Ball?"

Severus slowly nodded as he read her mind and Dahlia smiled. She had also remembered something Karkaroff had spilled when she was eavesdropping on a conversation. He had said something about a ball happening on Christmas Eve, causing Dahlia to immediately get excited as she liked getting all dressed up.

The bell rang and she looked at her timetable, it just read: Great Hall - Severus Snape (10am)

She furrowed her eyebrows and watched as everyone other than Slytherin 4th years and up, leave. When they did, the food disappeared and the benches moved opposite each other. Boys on one side, girls on the other.

Severus watched as everyone began sitting down, wondering what was going happen, but when they saw Mr Filch come in with a massive music player, they got excited. Severus stood in the middle of the room and announced monotonously.

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Tri-Wizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of.. well-mannered frivolity. As the representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally, because the Yule Ball is, first and foremost.. a dance."

He said "dance" quite bitterly and Dahlia snickered as she knew that her father hates events like these. People began talking amongst themselves and it seemed as though the females were more excited than the males, well, except Ivan. He was buzzing. Severus silenced everyone and continued.

"I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that Salazar's name by fooling around like a frantic fork-full failure of fish."

Everyone furrowed their eyebrows at the sentence Severus had said as it didn't really make sense, but Dahlia turned to Pansy and whispered.

"Say that five times fast."

Pansy smirked and they both tried to say the tongue twister over and over again, but stopped when Severus had called out Dahlia's name.


Dahlia immediately stopped and turned to her father, speaking lightly.

"Yes, father."

Severus held out a hand and muttered.

"Let's not put those dancing lessons you had to waste, come and show everyone how they should be dancing."

Dahlia widened her eyes and everyone was cheering for her to do it, so she reluctantly got up and walked over to her father. They got into position and Filch played the music. Dahlia and Severus began to waltz around the room and everyone, including Dahlia, was trying not to laugh at the sight of Severus Snape waltzing.

When they had finished, Severus instructed everyone to find a partner and he watched as his fellow Slytherin's began to waltz perfectly around the room. As much as he hated events like these, Severus was glad that his daughter was there with him, he hid a smile as he saw his godson and daughter fooled around by dramatically dancing.

Once that was over, Dahlia met up with Viktor to do some laps around the castle grounds.

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