𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙎𝙞𝙭

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As Dahlia spent time thinking about what she did, she decided that she would go back to Hogwarts, for Neville and Pansy's sake. She couldn't just leave them alone with Death Eaters as teachers.

Fred and George didn't let her at first, but Dahlia convinced them that she'd be fine. So they reluctantly let her go back, incredibly worried and scared for her.

Fred and George watched as their girlfriend stepped onto the train, dreading the thought that it might be the last time they'd see her. But as Dahlia told them, "keep thinking positive. Even though we're in a war, never think negatively, it'll put you off and you'll let your guard down" so just for her, they thought positively.

And as for Dahlia, she immediately found Neville sitting in a compartment with some other people around him, she rushed up to him and he stood up, just in time to be crushed into a hug by her. He was taken aback from the force of the hug, but nevertheless hugged her back.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed lightly, getting a nose full of her hair. He held back a sneeze as it tickled his nose, but felt relieved when she had moved. She sat down next to him near a window and looked out of it, trying to hold back tears.

Neville also sat down as the train began moving and noticed that Dahlia seemed off, he scooted closer and asked her softly in concern.

"Lia, love. What's troubling you?"

Dahlia turned her attention away from the passing trees and looked to her boyfriend, she smiled thinly before trying to sound okay.

"I'm fine, totally fine. I swear."

Neville narrowed his eyes at her and knew she wasn't feeling "fine", he pointed it out.

"Dahlia, look at me."

Dahlia, who had turned back to watch the trees go by, hesitantly looked at Neville, who knew something was up. He saw that her eyes were getting teary and it made him more worried. He spoke again.

"I know something is up, what happened? Did Fred and George hurt you? Because I swear if they did, I will not hesitate to-"

Dahlia let out a light chuckle and cut him off.

"Nevs, they didn't hurt me. Don't worry, it's just something happened and I'm not proud of it."

Concern and worry was glistening in Neville's eyes and he replied softly.

"If you don't want to tell me, it's okay. Just, come here. I want to cuddle."

A smile slipped onto Dahlia's lips and she scooted closer to Neville, placing her head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her. He placed his chin on the top of her head and caressed her arm softly with his thumb, Dahlia muttered out.

"I'll tell you later, just not on the train."

Neville understood and nodded, he was about to say something until the train lurched to a stop and a Death Eater entered the compartment. The Death Eater looked over the compartment and Neville suddenly felt brave, he stood up and announced bravely.

"Hey, losers, he isn't here."

Dahlia stared at Neville in awe and the Death Eater glanced at Dahlia who was sitting next to Neville, she gripped her wand and went to speak, but Neville defended her.

"Step any closer or put any hands on her and you'll be the one that isn't here."

The Death Eater looked taken aback for a few seconds until he saw the proud smirk on Dahlia's face, he glared and huffed out before spinning around and walking away. Once the Death Eaters were off the train and the train was up and running, the compartment broke out into claps. Neville looked around and smiled bashfully.

He then sat down shyly and blushed when Dahlia placed a hand on his thigh, she smiled proudly and kissed his cheek softly before thanking him. Neville wouldn't admit it, but he kinda liked the attention.

Dahlia was so proud of Neville and she knew his parents would be as well, she smiled at the thought of his parents reacting to his braveness and wished that they were mentally and physically able to do so.

The thought vanished from her mind when the train halted again and she realized that they were finally at Hogwarts.

As she stepped off the train, a sinking feeling erupted in her stomach as she remembered that her father was now the headmaster and that there was Death Eaters for teachers.

When everyone approached the castle, they were searched and ordered to stand in lines of four. They then had to walk into the great hall in silence and go to their table in silence, Dahlia squeezed Neville's hand as they parted ways. She sat next to Pansy and smiled lightly before looking at the front where her father was standing, they made subtle eye contact and when everyone was settled, Severus began.

"Good evening students, it's a new school year and this time, things have changed. If you aren't aware, or mentally deficient. (A/N: Nathan Young who?) We are going to war. As I know most of you aren't ready, you will need to pay attention in classes. Especially Dark Arts, which was previously "Defense Against the Dark Arts". Those lessons will be teached by the Carrow Twins, and I warn you, if you do not listen in their lessons, they are not so kind."

Two people appeared by Snape and had evil looks on their faces, Pansy and Dahlia glanced at each other in worry and Severus carried on.

"Now, there will be only one trip to Hogsmeade this year, so make it worth while."

Severus glanced at Dahlia and secretly hinted about what they talked about restarting Dumbledore's Army, Dahlia knew and subtly nodded. He continued.

"There will be some new rules, as well. At every, breakfast, lunch, dinner and lessons, you will all walk in lines of four. You can only speak when spoken to or if you are called when you put your hand up, you cannot go to any other houses common room and you also cannot wander around after curfew. The last rule is that no matter what, be ready, because anything can happen. And you need to ready for when it does. Now, eat and as soon as you are finished, head back to your dorms as curfew has been shortened."

People began groaning about it and Severus mentally rolled his eyes, he knew it wasn't fair, but he had to do what he had to do. He didn't like it either.

Food began appearing and everyone forgot about the news of the curfew and instead started eating.

Dahlia also began eating and her mind was filled with stuff that she wished weren't there. But just as her dad said, when she finished, she headed off to her dorm. She wanted to say goodnight to Neville, but he was pushed away by the other students. Dahlia sighed and knew that this year is just gonna be worse than the previous one's. And she wasn't ready for it.

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