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"The spy was you, wasn't it, Ray?"

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"The spy was you, wasn't it, Ray?"

Ray stared at the female in shock, the ticking of the clock could be heard through the silence in their bedroom. Nobody spoke a word and the albino and brunette could only stare at their friend in front of them, a smirk making their way onto Ray's face.

"What are you saying, Cals? You should understand the situation already." He walked up to Calynn and placed a hand onto her shoulder but instead, she gripped onto his hand and removed it but she didn't let go of his palm.

"Norman didn't just set two traps. He never stopped at two, Ray."

"I'll tell Don that the ropes are hidden underneath my bed. As for Gilda, I'll say they're above the ceiling pf the 2nd floor bathroom."

"That's what I told you and Emma. But in reality, I told Don that they were in the dining room and told Gilda that they were in the dining hall." Norman said grabbing the sack that had the extra ropes in them and dumping them out onto the bed, he continued.

"Just now, me and Calynn went around and collected all of the extra ropes. The only ones that were gone were the ones under my bed. That means Don was merely framed. Ray, you are the source." Norman ended with him staring at the raven-haired boy.

He gently let go of Calynn's hand then plopped down onto the bed with an arm covering his eyes, he broke into a laugh, one that was unsettling for the two who watched him with worried looks.

Ray then peaked from under his arm and spoke. "Man... just when I thought things were going as planned."

"You're quite the softie, so I assumed that I could get away with deceiving you guys for a little longer. But it seems like you've found me out a lot faster than I anticipated." He sat up and placed his legs onto another.

"You're right, I'm Mama's spy"

He said with a grin stretched on his lips as he recalled the times where he gave Isabella notes about their plan.

Calynn knew that he was a spy, yet she was still surprised that he admitted so willingly. The female eyed her friend in hopes he was joking but she knew Ray never joked about stuff such as this.

"Since when did you suspect me?"

"Ever since the night Sister Krone came." Norman said.

"That night... right away, huh..."

"Honestly, I was sickened at my own self for suspecting you first and foremost... despite our tight friendship. Still you being the informant would be a worst scenario case for us. And from the enemy's standpoint, you being the informant would be a best case scenario."

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