The Neverending Plot-twists

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Sequel time! I finally finished the outline for the story. I'll probably be posting every couple of days or weeks, but we'll see how it goes since I need to finish the react story before 2021 knocks on the door.


If Gakushuu could pinpoint the exact moment his life became a trainwreck it would be the first day he stepped into 3-E's teacher's lounge.

"Hello!" A giant yellow octopus in a goofy teacher's uniform and a large oversized round head clapped his tentacles and rushed over to Gakushuu who had frozen stock still while Mr Karasuma sighed from the doorway. "A new student! How exciting!!"

Gakushuu choked, staring wide-eyed at the creature like he'd been smacked in the face with a wet fish. "A..."

The creature was still talking. "—Now, I know first days can be scary, but don't worry, you'll be settled in no time—have you ever fired a gun before?" The octopus was gushing, patting him on the shoulders. "If not that's fine, you're a quick learner so if you need any help trying to kill me, don't be afraid to ask—"

Gakushuu's eye twitched as everything dawned on him and he realised he was talking and being doted on by a giant octopus and—

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!!" He screamed, making the walls shake and causing the creature to yelp and jump back in alarm.

And that was the moment the last shred of normality in his life disappeared.


Gakushuu sighed when he remembered that moment and then watched Kayano/Yukimura/Mase lose all elements of her sanity and light the field on fire with her tentacles.

Because apparently, through some cosmic joke, it turned out Kayano was secretly Yukimura-sensei's little sister, as well as a famous actress no one until now had recognised, and also had tentacles.

"...Does anyone remember when we just came to school to get good grades?" he remarked dryly, wondering how everything in this class had to be an escalation.

"Asano! Focus!" Kataoka snapped, looking worried since their deranged fellow student was fighting their current and equally bizarre teacher. "We have to help her!"

With what, a fire extinguisher?!

He'd had a slim hope that maybe his life would return to some sort of middle school normality when he returned to 3-A to assume leadership again since his absence had caused a chasm bigger than the Atlantic ocean. But, even after returning to A-Class, it was like he couldn't escape the insanity in which was 3-E.

"If we try to fight her we'll be torn to shreds," Gakushuu pointed out.

"He's right, what can we do?" Sugino questioned.

"Koro-sensei said we need to distract her," Nakamura said.

"With what?! Mimura won't do air guitar," Yoshida replied.

"LIKE THAT WAS GONNA WORK!" Mimura snapped.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" Kayano was screaming like a tentacled-banshee.

They quickly steppe further back as she lunged in. "How did she even manage to keep this side of her hidden for months?"

Karma grimaced. "She's a good actress."

"If she wasn't borderline insane right now, I'd be impressed by her manipulation." Gakushuu looked on grimly.

Her act had been flawless, the best he'd ever seen considering he'd grown up with a Narcissist for ten years. She'd played their weaknesses and judgments perfectly, always remaining under suspicion, which brought into question just how much had been real and how much had been fake.

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