Let's learn how to use this book!
Why's that phrase above bolded?
It's bolded because it will paraphrase what the full chapter is about.
Uh, why are half of the things written underlined?
They're underlined because they're questions that readers might have. If you have any more questions, just put them in the comments below. I'll look at them and then add your question into the book. Then, I'll answer it!
Why, at the title of this chapter, there's an asterisk? (*)
As you might know, in non-fiction books, you can hop from place to place and read whatever section that you want to. In this book, however, the asterisk means that you have to read the section. It is optional, but it'll have important information (like this chapter). Like this section, other sections will have asterisks. That means that you have to read (again, it's optional but recommended), that chapter before you read other ones. That isn't true with all chapters, where there's a double asterisk (**). Those sections are recommended for you to read but are about a big environmental problem.
Also, when you read this book, make sure to read the italicized words.
The italicized words are ways to help the environment. They come at the end of the chapter. Also, italicized words at the beginning of the chapter can be a story. For example, if one chapter is about pillows, then I could write a Realistic Fiction Short Story (It will be no longer than 200 words), about pillows. That would be italicized.
They will also be in right sided format.
Also, this book is about environmental problems and not pillows. I like pillows, but I think that they could get boring to read about and pillows don't really cause an environmental problem. (Well, technically, people have to get those feathers from somewhere, and they will have to use earth's resources to make the outside of the pillow. Let's not get into the manufacturing of pillows, though).
That bold part above that says 'Also, when you're reading the book, make sure to read the italicized words' isn't the summery of this chapter. Why is it there?
Bolded parts can also mean that it's another bit of extra-important information that you need to know. I know that it can be confusing, since the bolded also means that it's the summery of the chapter. But remember, the summery is always at the beginning of the chapter. The important facts can be anywhere.
I see this ⬇️ symbol on some of the chapters. Why is that?
The ⬇️ sign means that it's basically a section. The ones underneath are sub-sections. For example, let's say this book isn't about global warming but about food. (It's about global warming). I could have something that looks like this.
Tacos ⬇️
Vegetarian Options
Vegan Options
Favorite Lunch Meals⭐
Sandwiches ⬇️
See that after Tacos, there's a ⬇️ sign? That means that it's the overall section. The overall section basically is just an introduction to the chapters below them.
How do I know when a section's over?
See that right underneath the phrase 'vegan options' there's the word Sandwiches ⬇️? That means that the sandwiches are the new overall section.
What's the sign ⭐ for?
Oh! That sign means that it's neither a section nor and subsection.
Anything else?
Yes. Global Warming is a big problem, and the more we know about it the more likely we are to stop it. Please add this book to your reading list, vote it, and recommend this to your friends so that they'll know more about how to stop global warming, and help innocent animals. Thanks for reading The Green Planet we can Have. Hope you enjoy!
The Green Planet We can Have
Non-FictionSave the Earth! In each chapter, this book will have an environmental problem. Please read the chapter How to Use this Book. I know it sounds optional to read, but it has important information. This book is for people of all ages, but is particularl...