The Dawn of Divergent. chapter 1. crashed

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       I sit in a bedded chair reading a book titled "I am number four" intent on what I'm reading I end up yelling out or murmuring what going on in the book. Yelling out what I want the characters to do or not do in the book. Reading my book I blurt out again. "No! No no. Sarah don't go in there!" I read more allowing the character to make its Choice in the book. I'm so intent on reading my book I don't hear Dawn walk behind me. She walks up to md and tap me on the shoulder, startling me "Katrina, the real world is calling. Should I take a message?"

       I put he book mark in and look at Dawn, embarrassed by my trying to yell at the characters in the book  "sorry. This book is epic. I hold up the i am number four book "maybe we should go someplace it's boring right now so I decided to read. The Doctor is in the other room reading too. I guess he's bored too. Let's go ask him if we can go someplace." Dawn  goes to  find the Doctor, then runs back to me "He said he knows just the place. But it's a secret."I follow Dawn to the console room where the Doctor joyfully circles the console "you two ready to go?" Dawn speaks confidently "Oh, I was born ready. Uhhh... where are we going?"

he claps his hands together in his usual manner "atroplis! On the far end of the galaxy. They are quite a decent species. And wonderful city too."  he starts up the tardis pulling the final lever, it takes off rather bumpyily.  I get thrown into the console "Woah! A bit more bumpy than usual dad." I say trying to regain my balance.  Dawn asks "Is something wrong with the TARDIS?"  we land, she opens the door and see futuristic ruins "Wow. Is... this where we were supposed to end up?"

         I look out, the Doctor behind me looking confused, we were on our side stuck in a marsh "is it dad?" 

he pokes his head out embarrassed "um... no. I don't believe it is..."  he runs back in trying to get the screen to work but it broke and wasn't working "and I can't figure it out either." He Runs back "I don't know where we are!" Dawn suddenly vomits into the marsh "oh, god. Timesickness. This only happens to me when I'm forced into a timeline where I don't belong. That must be what happened." I look away from her gross reaction to it not wanting to throw up myself.  The Doctor speaks up "Yeah. It's messing with my time sense right now. I can't figure out at all where we are. Well I guess that only leaves one option. To go and and explore. See what's out there." 

I nod "sounds good. But we don't know what's out there. It could be anything."  he cuts me off reading his scan off of his sonic.

"It's humans. Human's are out there. Lots of them. Must be in that city across the way."  he points. Dawn replies "So are we just supposed to wade through the swamp to get there, or is there a faster option?" The Doctor answers "We have to. The tardis isn't moving anytime soon. Prepare to get wet."  he is the first to step out sinking in the wet marsh that comes up to his knees "oh!"  jumps back in "better get some more water proof shoes." He says soaking wet. Dawn jumps in "Good thing I can swim!" She  swims through the bog "C'mon in, the water's... well... not fine. Bit gross and slimy, actually."

                I put on a ring that puts up a shield on me, then the Doctor does the same.  "sorry dawn. I only have two. Let's go."  he and I jump in the water but we aren't getting wet we swim but it's not soaking our clothes. Which I was thankful for. Once we reach the land in front of the city we are confronted by a huge fence that's buzzing with electricity.  Dawn look up at it. "Uh... there's an electric fence. What kind of city has an electric fence?" The Doctor answers "One that doesn't like Intruders or is protective of things outside of it."  He sonics it disabling it "let's climb." 

"I don't know about this. But I love exploring."  I start climbing not looking down. We finish climbing the fence, landing on the ground on the other side. Dawn speaks up. "This doesn't look like anywhere I've been." I nod agreeing "Me nither. Whole new place. Exciting."  we start walking through the city looking at the ruble of the buildings, then seeing newer ones in the distance. Dawn  blurts out seeing the newer buildings "Civilization! Let's go check it out!" I agree following the Doctor in front of me.


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