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Hikari's P.O.V

Let me tell you the history of a little girl... She lived in Brazil with her grandmother, her father's mother, since her birth.

"That means she is Brazilian?" Osamu asked

"No, the girl born on a flight from Japan to Sweden, in the middle of the sea, now let me continue"

She had a cheerful childhood and from the begging, her family realized she was a very smart kid. Everything was good but something happened, when the girl was playing with her cousin she broke his arm and it caused a tantrum in her family, in the end, her parents decided it was best if she lived with her mother's mother, in France.

"But why she couldn't live with her parents?" Suna questioned

"Because her mother was an businesswoman and her father was a volleyball coach, they were used to travel a lot and don't wanted to their child living like this, now stop interrupting me"

So when she was 3 she moved to France and there she lived for 2 years but her family notices how smart she was getting so they decided to send her to England to have the best teaching in Europe.

"How many languages this kiddo know" Akagi said but I just ignored

"7" I said angrily

Even if she moved so many times, every time her mother visited her child, but she didn't see her father for years.

She gets used to her new school and her grades were the best, mainly in sciences, but that's was not her interest, the little girl discovered her passion for volleyball, without hesitating her grandfather subscribed her to a volleyball school and even if she was only 9 her coach set her as captain and recognized her as not just brilliant but also strong and ambitious. These events reached her father's ears and immediately he sent her to the U.S.A to teach his child to get better, it was what she thought.

"Geez this girl don't stop moving" Ginjima said

The little kid was happy to finally be able to see her father after years, but what she doesn't know was that her life was going to get harder.

Her father created a team in her school, their mascot was a wolf with the bests players of the state of her age, but what should help, just made things worst. The little girl realized how powerless she was. Her intelligence and her strength were never enough and her height was not helping. Instead of giving up, she wants to be her father's proud on the other hand he just doesn't want to be ashamed, he decided to create a plan to make his child... unstoppable. Like Frankenstein's story.

So, since she was 10 he sent her to Peru, India, Chile, the Bahamas with just a tutor, for months until she was 12

"but, what for?" Aran asked

"to create his monster"

She traveled through mountains, deserts, and oceans. Everything to be stronger and when she came back from every trip all her father could say was "at least you're smart enough to not having troubles with your grades".

One day the trip wasn't necessary anymore, she was better but everything has a price. No matter how many times she played she always wins, with each victory she had less interest in she have volleyball, which once she loved.

"But winning isn't a good thing..?"

"Victory... is contagious"

What made her life less worst was her mother and her two best friends, they sent away the boredom she was feeling. The three girls have grown up as sisters and one of them was even the little girl's neighbor and her teammate.

Years passed and one of her friends had to move to Japan then she used to visit her when she could. Her team was so better that they didn't lose for years then they started to get recognized as "the deadly sins' team" and which player was one sin. The little girl was the Pride, the strongest player that couldn't be defeated not even by her teammates. Each one of them had a ring symbolizing their sin.

One of our teammates decided to do a terrible joke, during a trip, while they slept she marked their bodies with hot iron skewers, each one was a drawing representing their sin. It left a scar, the girl's was not visible 'cause it was located on her chest, it was a lion.

"Which position she played?" Atsumu asked

"She played in the position that her team needed her, that means she played in all positions"

"It doesn't matter, which position she liked to play?" Suna asked, that made Hikari perplexed, she looked away trying to think of the answer

"I guess... wing spiker, yes, wing spiker"

Trying to find another fun thing to do besides volleyball, the girl tried to do the International Biology Olympiad (IBO), and it worked.

Her team was recognized throughout the whole country but... they never worked as a team. They were trained to be 5 players in 1 and play by themselves, the girls were tired of each other even in the games, they don't like to talk, everyone had a different reason to play volleyball but just one of them liked it. The little girl.

Later she was recognized by her childhood nickname besides "the sin of pride", she was the Sun, the cruel and unshakable Sun. She was known as the best player of her age, even invited to join the pro player training camp.

One day after a game, the girl, now 15, was on an airplane to Netherland for the IBO. When she received a call from her mother's neighbor friend, telling that Elizabeth, her friend... had an accident and died.

The girl was full of sadness and after the funeral, her father called Sun, saying that he was sorry for her loss but in the next FUCKING DAY She has a game to play, in Lizzie's position. She couldn't handle that, so, she said she was quitting the team and asked her mother to help her to move on to Japan to live with her mother's father and to be close to her best friend. Her father tried to stop, even threatened her saying if she goes away she wouldn't be his child anymore. Her mother asked for a lawyer to make her father incapable to get close to 1 km next to her.

Before she moved Lizzie's mother called her one more time saying that she should keep Lizzie's ring and that she should live her life for both of them, and that Elizabeth wouldn't like to see her friend stopping her life and being sad. Also remembered the girl to never forget one of two promises she made to Lizzie, that if one day she stops playing volleyball, she would do everything to come back to it, 'cause she loved it.

"The girl, boys, it's me. My name is Karen Hikari Kyo Badaulare Lohnhoff, the sin of pride and also Sun" I sigh I finally realized that my place is here now, that I belong to somewhere and after years I don't feel the boredom I used to feel, thank you, I'm happy now, I understand if you guys are angry with me for keeping this from you"

"Hikari what I'm going to say I think it's the same that everybody is thinking: Since the begging, we knew that you kept secrets from us, even it has been weeks that we're working together we don't know a lot about you. We talked about it and decided to wait for you to tell us when you're ready. Now I'm relieved and happy that you decided to stay and trust us and at long last be able to find peace" Kita said with conviction

All the boys nodded with an smile, I could feel my eyes getting blurry and my cheeks hotter

"I-i don't know what's happing, my eyes are wet" and tears were drooling in my face

"You're crying, dumbass" Manami said "It's been a long time that didn't happen, let me take a photo"

All my teammates hugged me including Nami

"But I'm happy, okay!? I don't deserve you guys, I'm happy to be your manager and your friend"

"Of course you deserve us, you did all this just stay us away from trouble" Osamu said

"hell yeah, I recorded everything" Rintaro said

After the boys stopped hugging me, Atsumu screamed


"Now, my peace is over" I laughed

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