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When we arrived at Miya's house, Atsumu and his other partners were already there, one of the girls was the same girl from the previous assignment I think her name is Miyuki and the other one is Hanaka...

Well I think if we do our assignment with them in the living room would be to tight, so we should go to another place

"Samu we should do it in your room-"

"No, because I have to cook with that spice, so you and Suna will sit in the living room and we can talk" I sighed and did what he said, I sit on the other side of the table

"This assignment it's about astronomy so we have to choose 3 different planets and write characteristics about then"

"We could skip the part that we pretend that Osamu and I know something and go to when you tell us what you know" I give to Suna a deadly look "Fine, Tatooine"

"I'm pretty sure it's from Star Wars Rintaro"

"It's been a long time I don't watch it..."

"What you're doing with your life? We should watch it later then, but don't change the subject, Samu it's your turn"


"Why I choose to be your partner? Moon it's not a planet idiot" I sighed "Fine, I'll choose an easy one then it's better for you two to choose the others, I choose Jupiter" Suna asked why "it's the biggest planet of the Solar System, named with the Roman name of the god of the gods Zeus, also it's the regent planet of Sagittarius, my sign, another fact is that in Jupiter there is a tornado that never stopped for million years it's almost the size of the Earth"

"You can't have all the planets Hikari"

"Suna Rintaro the Sun is a star! At least tell me another planet"


"I'm going to kill you, you can't choose it just because I said" they lost their game today, I know that they're sad but I don't know what to do, it's been a long time since I lost so... Suna get more tired when he's sad and Samu likes to cook, then my job here is to finish this shitty assignment, I take the paper and pen from Suna's hands and pulled his head to lay on a pillow while I write, he looked at me a little bit confused "I know you're sad, I don't know what to do so at least let me do this" he nodded.

I just don't understand why Osamu wanted to cook in his house instead of mine

"Are you okay? Why did you stop talking? You like science right? You always get excited when you talk about it"

"Yes, I do, I read a lot of books about astronomy when I was young"

"You didn't have a lot of friends, do you?" Suna said and I laughed

"No, actually a I had only two, but I'm always reading when I'm not hanging out with you"

"So keep talking, I don't want to cook alone" I nodded

"The next planet I choose is Venus, it shines more than any planet in the solar system, doesn't have a single satellite, it snows in metal and rains in sulphuric acid, it is the Roman name of Aphrodite, when I was young I called it the planet of miracles" I could see that Atsumu paid attention in everything I was saying

"The third one is Kelt-9, just because it's the hottest planet discovered until now, his star is 2.5 times more massive than our Sun"

"What a strange name, they should let us name this kind of things" Samu said

"Well, we can, you can buy a star on the internet and choose a name for her, it's not so expensive as you may think"

"You're such a nerd, I didn't even thought you wear glasses, that only makes you more stranger than you already are" Hanaka said

"She's not strange just because she knows more than you" Atsumu replied "I finished to write, you should go"

"But we could have dinner like the last time-"

"Not today, I'm not feeling good" he stand up and they followed him, I'm think a have an idea, I'll order their favorite food and leave it in their lockers tomorrow, I think this would make them a little bit happier... one parent came to take the girls home then Atsumu came back, Samu finished cooking

"Hikari please organize the table" he asked

When I was taking the papers, I saw one with an beautiful handwriting

"The person who wrote this has a gorgeous handwriting, I'm jealous"

"Well Atsumu wrote the whole assignment" Suna said and I nodded, Tsumu blushed a little then I shivered 'cause I'm feeling cold

"You can take a hoddie in my room" I did what he said but before I left the room I speak to Atsumu "I have to give back your jacket, tomorrow I give it to you Atsumu"

When I entered their room, everything was pretty organized I was expecting something more chaotic... like mine, but I forgot to ask where their hoodies are "Samu where do you keep it?" I screamed but he didn't answered, I was about to scream again when Tsumu appeared, he take the hoodie and said

"Raise your hands" I did and I nodded as a thanks, he sit on his bed and I was about to leave the room but he called my name "Kari" so that's why Samu wanted to come to his house, I looked at him


"C-could you forgive me?" I waited for him to keep talking "I was an asshole for ignoring you, I kinda get mad cause you always call Samu by his nickname but you only call me by surname... And you were so happy to Sakusa again and you aren't so happy when you're with me" he was so sad that I couldn't keep my straight face, he looked at me with puppy eyes

"I thought you wouldn't like it if I looked casual with you around the other girls... And I was happy to see him because we don't see each other for years... I thought you were mad at me 'cause you don't want the others thinking we're friends, when we meet each other for the first time... how can I say it... it wasn't a good start you know?"

He stand his hand in my direction, I don't know exactly what to do so I hold it, so he slowly pulled me in his direction until I was in front of him, he hugged me while looking at my face pouting

"Do you enjoy hanging out with me?" he's such a baby

"I wouldn't run with you every day if I don't"

"Then can we start again?" What that supposed to mean? "I want to be close to you like you're with my brother, I want you to call me by my nickname in front of others, I want to be spoiled by you when I'm sad too, I want to make you smile" why he looks so deep in my eyes like this I can barely listen what he's saying "so, can we?" I don't understand what he wants but I nodded and he didn't move

"Yes, Tsumu" I smiled and he hide his face on my belly "we need to eat, let's go" he denied with his head

"I don't like when you're mad at me or when you have headaches because of me" I pat his head

"I know and I forgive you" he looked at me again and smiled

"We're lucky to have you Sunnie" now it's my turn to blush

"O-only my mom and grandpa call me like that"

"Can't I?" Here, the damn puppy eyes again, I can't fight against it so I nodded. I finally convinced him to go to eat. I looked at Osamu who seems to be happy with the resolutions of his tricky plan, Tsumu is lucky to have such a good brother. The food he cooked was great and I love the spice. Minutes later their mom arrived and she said she was too happy to see Suna and I again.

"You should do a sleepover someday" she said and we agreed, after eating they walked me home then I said goodbye, actually they tried to sleep in my house but I have to organize their presents...

So when the deliverymen arrived, I write a little phrase, drawn a little Sun and I kept the food in different bentos. So that's the manager's job? I think I can get used to it...

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